A Story of Quality and Innovation – Great Lengths Australia & New Zealand

Great Lengths often uses the term ‘source to salon’. We understand the story that the hair comes from willing donors in India what are the other details of the processes at Great Lengths that maintain control over the production through the journey and the entire lifespan of each strand?

The vast majority of extension companies across the world use distributors who hair manufacture hair that comes from various sources around the world. Great Lengths is unique in that it sources and produces all of its own hair right through the manufacturing process. What this does is create a chain of custody where we can verify not only where it came from, but how each and every hair strand was treated through the process. This concept of harm minimisation maintains the integrity and we know is 100% beautiful quality.

What does this mean for the consumer? What this means is consistency and hair quality for Great Lengths over all the years has actually improved. This speaks volumes when compared with other manufacturers have no control over the purchase or the process of their hair.

In a nutshell, how are Great Lengths hair extensions different to other hair extensions in the market?

It’s very clear through almost 30 years of this hair extension business in Australia that many of our professional hairdressing partners are still with us today. The reason for this, we believe, of course, is the absolute commitment to quality and sourcing and production and also

technology. All of this culminates in consistency of the product so that if you get hair extensions today and you get them again in five years, you’ll feel to Great Lengths difference. Both stylist and consumers are like trust Great Lengths because of its long-standing commitment to quality