Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF) and Victoria’s Secret Partner to Launch Growth Accelerator in Nigeria – Call for Applications

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Moller Holding A2 Global Risk AB Mambo Abbott ABCHealth Abler Nordic Absa Group Limited Academy of Robotics Accelerex Accelerex Holdings Access Bank PLC Access Power Access to Medicine Foundation Accor ACT Afrique Groupe Action Against Hunger Action contre la Faim (ACF) ActionAid Actis Activator HQ Ada Animation Ada Labs Adam Bradford Agency Adanian Labs Adebayo Vunge Adelphi Admaius Capital Partners Advanced Finance & Investment Group LLC (AFIG Funds) Advertising Week Africa Aella Aenergy Aera Group AFP Services Afreximbank Afri Reviews Afri-Plastics Challenge Africa 2.0 Africa 2017 Africa Adaptation Initiative Africa Analyst Africa and Middle East Digital Health Conference and Exhibition (AMDHC) Africa Architecture Awards Africa Blue Economy Forum (ABEF) Africa Business Forum Africa Business: Health Forum (AB:HF) Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) AFRICA CEO FORUM Africa Data Centres Africa Dialogues Africa Energy Forum Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) Africa Executive Africa Feeds Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) Africa Fintech Summit Africa Foresight Fund Africa Forum Africa Forum 2018 Africa Health Africa Health Agenda International Conference (AHAIC) Africa Hospitality Consultants Africa Hospitality Investment Forum (AHIF) Africa Independents Forum Africa Initiative for Governance Africa Innovation Summit Africa Internship Academy (AIA) Africa Islamic Economic Foundation (AFRIEF) Africa Logistics Properties (ALP) Africa Luxury Hospitality Africa Medical Supplies Platform Africa Netpreneur Prize Initiative (ANPI) Africa News Latest Africa No Filter Africa Now Africa Pandemic Response Alliance (APRA) Africa People Advisory Group Africa PPP Africa Private Sector Summit (APSS) Africa Progress Panel (APP) Africa Property Investment (API) Summit & Expo Africa Protected Areas Congress Africa Public Health Foundation Africa Regional Media Hub Africa Risk Capacity Limited (ARC) Africa Search Capital Africa Shared Value Leadership Summit Africa Specialty Risks Africa Sports Unified Africa Talks Jobs Africa Tech Festival Africa Tech Now Africa Trade & Investment Global Summit (ATIGS) Africa Trade and Investment Global Summit Africa Trade Desk Africa University Africa Value Shared Initiative Africa Water Investment Program Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF) Africa-Israel Summit Africa-PPB-EXPO Tanzania 2016 Africa’s Business Heroes (ABH) Africa4Nuclear Africa50 African Alliances for Women Empowerment and Africa Fertility Society African Alliances of Women Empowerment African Arguments African Banker African Banker Awards African Blogger Awards African Business African Catholic Union of the Press (UCAP) African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) African Climate Dialogues African Climate Reality Project African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) African Conference for Peace African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat African Council of Religious Leaders – Religions for Peace (ACRL-RfP) African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (African Court) African Daily Voice (ADV) African Development Bank Group (AfDB) African Diaspora for Development (ADD) African Economic Research Consortium African Energy Chamber African Energy Now African Energy Week (AEW) African Entrepreneurship Award (AEA) African Football Night African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) African Guarantee Fund African Innovation Foundation (AIF) African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA) African Leadership Academy (ALA) African Leadership Group African Leadership Institute (AFLI) African Leadership International (ALI) African Leadership Magazine African Management Institute African Mayoral Leadership Initiative (AMALI) African Mineral Development Centre African Nature-Based Tourism Platform African Newspage African Peace Magazine African Performance Institute African Petroleum Producers Organization (APPO) African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) African Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (AVCA) African Reinsurance Corporation (Africa Re) African Risk Capacity (ARC) African Securities Exchanges Association (ASEA) African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM) African Stream African Telecommunications Union (ATU) African Trade and Investment Development Insurance (ATIDI) African Trade Insurance Agency (ATI) African Union (AU) African Union at Expo 2020 Dubai African Union Commission (AUC) African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) African Union of Broadcasting (AUB) African Union of Housing Finance (AUHF) African Union Peace and Security Department African Union Sports Council (AUSC) African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) African Utility Week African Viral Hepatitis Summit 2016 Africana Couture AfricaNenda Africanews Africar Group Africarare AfricArena AfriCatalyst Africommunications Group AfriLabs Afrimart Afrinection Afrique Telecom Afrique54 AFRO Foundation Afro Nation Afrobarometer AfroCan Resources Gold Ltd AfroChampions Initiative AfroMillionsLotto Afroway Entertainment Afruibana AFSIA Afya Rekod AGCO Agriculture Foundation AGCO Corporation Agence de Promotion de l’Industrie et de l’Innovation Agence de Promotion de l’Investissement Extérieur (FIPA) – Tunisie Agence française de développement (AFD) Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSS), République de Guinée Agence pour la Sécurité de la Navigation Aérienne en Afrique et à Madagascar (ASECNA) Agency for Universal Health Coverage in Senegal – CMU Aggreko plc Agility Agri SA AgriHouse Foundation AGYP Aid & International Development Forum Aid for Africa AIM Congress Aim Higher Africa AIPS Africa Aiteo Group Ajong Mbapndah L AKADEMIYA2063 AKSA Power Generation Al Jazeera Al Karama Holding Al Maskari Holding Al Sumait Prize for African Development Al Yah Satellite Communications Company PrJSC, “Yahsat” Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Aleda SAS Aleph Commodities Aleph Hospitality Alepo Alfa Romeo Algerian Embassy in Finland Algerian Embassy in Norway Alibaba Group Aliko Dangote and Bill Gates Aliko Dangote Foundation All Africa Business Leaders Awards All Africa Music Awards (AFRIMA) AllAfrica Allan & Associates Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) ALN Alpha Capital International Alpha Oasis International Altair Consultancy and Advisory Services Ltd Altron Karabina ALU School of Wildlife Conservation (SoWC) Ambassade d’Algérie au Canada Ambassade d’Algerie au Sénégal Ambassade d’Algerie en Ouzbekistan Ambassade d’Allemagne – Libreville Ambassade d’Allemagne à Tunis Ambassade d’Allemagne au Togo Ambassade d’Italie à Alger en Algérie Ambassade de Côte d´Ivoire en Espagne Ambassade de Djibouti à Washington, D.C., États-Unis Ambassade de France à Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire Ambassade de France à Asmara, Erythrée Ambassade de France à Bissau, Guinée-Bissau Ambassade de France à Brazzaville, Congo Ambassade de France à Cotonou Ambassade de France à Dar es Salaam, Tanzanie Ambassade de France à Djibouti Ambassade de France à Khartoum, Soudan Ambassade de France à Lomé, Togo Ambassade de France à Madagascar Ambassade de France à Malabo, Guinée Équatoriale Ambassade de France à Moroni, Comores Ambassade de France à Nouakchott, Mauritanie Ambassade de France à Port-Louis, Maurice Ambassade de France à Praia Ambassade de France à Rabat, Maroc Ambassade de France à Tchad Ambassade de France à Tunis, Tunisie Ambassade de France à Victoria, Seychelles Ambassade de France à Windhoek, Namibie Ambassade de France au Bénin Ambassade de France au Burkina Faso Ambassade de France au Cameroun Ambassade de France au Gabon et à São Tomé et Principe Ambassade de France au Ghana Ambassade de France au Mali Ambassade de France au Mozambique et en Eswatini Ambassade de France au Niger Ambassade de France au Nigéria Ambassade de France au Sénégal et en Gambie Ambassade de France au Zimbabwe et au Malawi Ambassade de France en Algérie Ambassade de France en Angola Ambassade de France en Egypte Ambassade de France en Guinée et en Sierra Leone Ambassade de France en Libye Ambassade de l’Etat de Palestine au Sénégal Ambassade de la Côte d’Ivoire, Washington, DC – Etats-Unis Ambassade de la Fédération de Russie dans la République du Bénin et la République Togolaise Ambassade de la République Centrafricaine à Paris, Frace Ambassade de la République de Pologne à Alger Ambassade de la république du Niger au Mali Ambassade de la Republique du Rwanda en France Ambassade de la République Togolaise Au Royaume du Maroc Ambassade de Turquie en Cote d’Ivoire Ambassade des Etats-Unis au Burkina Faso Ambassade des Etats-Unis au Senegal Ambassade des Etats-Unis au Tchad Ambassade des Etats-Unis d’Amérique au Maroc Ambassade des Etats-Unis en Guinée Ambassade des États-Unis en République centrafricaine Ambassade des Etats-Unis en République Démocratique du Congo Ambassade des Etats-Unis en République du Congo Ambassade des Etats-Unis près le Bénin Ambassade du Burkina Faso à Paris Ambassade du Canada République démocratique du Congo Ambassade du Japon au Bénin Ambassade du Japon au Burkina Faso Ambassade du Japon au Burundi Ambassade du Japon au Gabon Ambassade du Japon au Mali Ambassade du Japon au Maroc Ambassade du Japon en Algérie Ambassade du Japon en Côte d’Ivoire Ambassade du Japon en Guinée Ambassade du Japon en République Démocratique du Congo Ambassade du Niger en France Ambassade du Tchad en Belgique Ambassade du Togo à Londres Ambassade Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire – Haute Représentation de la République Gabonaise près le Royaume du Maroc Ambassade Haute Représentation du Gabon en France Ambassade Royale de Norvège à Rabat Ambassador Harold E. Doley, Jr. Amdocs AMEA Power American Institutes for Research (AIR) American Tower Corporation Amini AMLD Africa Amnesty International Amref Health Africa Anchor And Africa Co., Ltd. Angama Amboselli AngoCasa Angola Cables ANGONOTÍCIAS with LUSA Anjarwalla & Khanna (A&K) Tanzania Anthony Chiejina Antoine Glaser Antonio Pedro Antwerp Port Authority Anzisha Prize AOW: Investing in African Energy API Events API Summit APO Group APO Group – Africa Newsroom APO Group – Video Production Apple Appletree Digital Commerce Appolonia – City of Light Appzone Core Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development (AAAID) Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (APICORP) Arabian Hotel Investment Conference (AHIC) Archidiocèse Catholique de Kigali Argus Media Arise Arla Foods Armacell Arrow Electronics Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence Africa (AICE) ArtMatters.Info Arusha International Conference Centre ASAM S.A. ASKY Airlines Asoko Insight Assemblée nationale, Republique de Côte d’Ivoire Association de Rugby Ocean Indien (AROI) Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA) Aster DM Healthcare AstraZeneca Astria Learning Atlantic Council Atlas Petroleum International Atlas Petroleum International Limited Atlas Water & Electric (AWE) Audiomack Aurecon Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australian Embassy (Union of Comoros & Madagascar) Australian Embassy Egypt Australian Embassy in Zimbabwe Australian High Commission – Nigeria Australian High Commission in Ghana Australian High Commission in Kenya Australian High Commission in Pretoria, South Africa Austrian Embassy in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia Automechanika Dubai Avatar Agency Group Averda AviaDev Africa Avon Peaking Power Pty Ltd Axxela Limited Ayoba Ayoba and MusicTime® Azentio Software Private Limited Azuri Peninsula B2BGabon Backbase Baker Hughes Baker Hughes General Electric (BHGE) Baker McKenzie Bamba Group Bamboo Bamboo Finance Banda Homes Bank of Nevis International Ltd. (BONI) Bank One Limited Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (BOAD) Bantoo Baobab+ BAR Aviation Ltd Barclays Africa Group Baron & Cabot Barrows Hotel Enterprises BASF Basic Lead LLC Basketball Africa League (BAL) Batonga Foundation Bayport Management Ltd BBM BearingPoint Beat Drone Beau Plan Believe in Africa Benedict Peters BenQ Group Best Western Hotels & Resorts Better Than Cash Alliance BeyondTrust BGFI Business School (BBS) BGI Group BIA Overseas s.a. Bidco Africa Big Circle Line BİGA Home Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Novartis, GSK, Johnson & Johnson, Last Mile Health, Lilly, Living Goods, Pfizer Inc Billions At Play: African Energy and Doing Deals Binance BioCarbon Partners (BCP) Biogaran bioMérieux Birimian Bizcommunity BizWatchNigeria Bizzamm (Pty) Ltd Black First Land First Black Opinion Black Wall Street Blockbank Blue Forest Blue Jay Communication Blue Note Africa Blue Prism Bluechain Pty Ltd Bluecode Bodo Mediation Initiative (BMI) Boeing Bolt BON Cloud Boomplay Border Management Authority, South Africa Boss Money Boston Consulting Group Botswana Rugby Union (BRU) Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM) Braintree Brand South Africa BrandReserve Co. Braperucci Africa Communication Brastorne Brave Generation Academy Breakfast Club Africa Brenda Omawumi BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre Bridgestone British Embassy Addis Ababa British Embassy Algiers British Embassy Antananarivo British Embassy Banjul British Embassy Cairo British Embassy Conakry British Embassy Dakar British Embassy Harare British Embassy in Tunis British Embassy Juba British Embassy Khartoum British Embassy Kinshasa British Embassy Luanda British Embassy Mogadishu British Embassy Rabat British Embassy Tripoli British High Commission – Kigali, Rwanda British High Commission – Lilongwe British High Commission – Lusaka British High Commission – Maputo British High Commission – Yaounde British High Commission Abuja British High Commission Accra British High Commission Dar es Salaam British High Commission Freetown British High Commission Gaborone British High Commission in Seychelles British High Commission Kampala British High Commission Nairobi British High Commission Port Louis British High Commission Pretoria British High Commission Victoria British High Commission Windhoek BroadReach Group Broll Kenya Broll Mozambique Broll Property Group Broll Uganda Brussels Airlines BSMO Co., Ltd. BTE Renewables BUA Cement Bugala Farmers Association Bühler Holding AG Bureau Veritas Burhani Engineers Ltd Busha Business Connexion (Pty) Ltd. (BCX) Business Council for Africa (BCA) Business Engage Business Finland Business Gazette Business Insider Business Insider SSA Business Journal BUTEC Group C40 CITIES Cabinet du Premier Ministre de Côte d’Ivoire Cabinet du Premier Ministre de la République Démocratique du Congo Cabinet Office, United Kingdom Cable News Network (CNN) CAJ News Africa Cambridge Broadband Networks (CBNL) Cambridge International Examinations Campaigns in Global Health Canal+ CANEX WKND 2022 Canon Canon Central and North Africa (CCNA) CAPE Cameroon Carbon CareerBox Cargill Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group Carpe Diem Solutions Carry1st Cartier CaseWare Africa CashlessAfrica CashToken Rewards Africa Limited Cassava Technologies Castle Lite Caterpillar Inc. Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos, Nigeria Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ethiopia Catholic Diocese of Oyo, Nigeria Catholic Diocese of Sokoto Catholic Laity Council of Nigeria Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN) Cavista CBI-electric: low voltage CCTV-1 CDNetworks CEA Green Energy Development Forum Cece Yara Foundation Cellulant CEMAC (Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa) Centbee Center for Applied Research & Innovation in Supply Chain-Africa (CARISCA) Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Central Bank of Kenya Central Bank of Nigeria Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) CentralNic Group Centre d’Information des Nations Unies (CINU) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Centre d’Information des Nations Unies de Ouagadougou Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (CAHF) Centre for Financial Journalism Ltd/Gte Centre for Information Resilience (CIR) Centurion Law Group Centurion Plus Cesar A. Mba ABOGO, Minister of Finance, Economy and Planning of Equatorial Guinea CEX.IO Limited CGTN Channel VAS Charterhouse Lagos Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. Chedid Capital Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games Cherie Blair Foundation for Women China Africa Research Initiative at Johns Hopkins University’s China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) China Daily Telegraph China Dongfeng Motor Industry Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd China Yutong Bus Chineme Okafor Chris Heathcote, CEO, The Global Infrastructure Hub Christian Miracle Hospital Chronicle of the Week Cigna Corporation Cigna Healthcare CISCO Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHR) Citroen City Brokers Ltd City Cancer Challenge Foundation (C/Can) City Of Cape Town Isixeko Sasekapa Stad Kaapstad CityBlue Hotels Claims Funding Europe Claviger Middle East Clickatell Clickatell Transact Climate Chance World Summit 2017 Climate Fund Managers Climate Investment Funds Clinigen Group plc Clitoraid Club DRH Club Swan CNBC Africa Co-Impact Coalition for Women’s Health In Africa (CoWHA) Coca-Cola Code Blue campaign CoinCola CoinW Coke Studio Africa CoM SSA Comité National Olympique Tunisien Commission Climat du Bassin du Congo Commission de l’océan Indien (COI) Commission de Surveillance du Marche Financier de l’Afrique Centrale (COSUMAF) Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante de la République Démocratique du Congo (CENI) Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Commonwealth Africa Initiative Commonwealth Secretariat Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) Commune de Meckhé (Sénégal) Compagnie Hoteliere et Immobiliere du Congo (CHIC) Comviva Confederation of African Football (CAF) Conférence de Kinshasa pour l’égalité des sexes en Afrique Conférence de la Renaissance du Niger Conférence des évêques de la Région Nord de l’Afrique (CERNA) Conseil National de l’Entrepreneuriat du Sénégal ConstructAfrica Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Capetown, The Republic of South Africa Consultative Meeting on African Union Reforms, Kigali Context Continued Entertainment Limited CONTIPHARMA Control Risks Group Holdings Ltd Cool Wazobia Info Arewa FM Cooperative Governance Traditional Affairs, Republic of South Africa Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) Corteva Agriscience Council of the European Union Council on Foreign Relations CPS Zanzibar Limited CR2 Creative Associates International Creative Crafting Club Creative Intelligence Group Credit Suisse Research Institute CredoLab Cross Switch Luxembourg CrossBoundary Access CrossBoundary Energy CrossBoundary Energy Access CrossBoundary Group CRU International Limited Crypsense Digital Group Crypto Chain University CSquared Cuba’s Representative Office Abroad Cultural Engineering and Anthropology Research Unit (URICA) CWC Group Limited Cybastion Cybersplice CyberXchange Cypher Environmental Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation D4D Hub Dag Hammarskjöld Fund for Journalists Dalberg Dambe Warriors League Danfoss Dangote Group Data for Governance Alliance Dataeum Datatex Dynamics Daystar Power Dazzl DEAL 2016 (Dubai Entertainment Amusement and Leisure) DEAL 2018 (Dubai Entertainment Amusement and Leisure) DEAL 2022 (Dubai Entertainment Amusement and Leisure) DEAL 2023 (Dubai Entertainment Amusement and Leisure) Deal Source Africa Debmarine Namibia Dedalus Global Defy Delegação da União Europeia em Angola Delegação da União Europeia na Guiné-Bissau Délégation de l’Union européenne au Burkina Faso Délégation de l’Union européenne au Togo Délégation de l’Union européenne en République de Guinée Délégation de l’Union européenne en République démocratique du Congo Délégation de l’Union européenne en Tunisie Delegation of the European Union to Botswana and SADC Delegation of the European Union to Central African Republic Delegation of the European Union to Djibouti and IGAD Delegation of the European Union to DR Congo Delegation of the European Union to Egypt Delegation of the European Union to Ghana Delegation of the European Union to Guinea Delegation of the European Union to Kenya Delegation of the European Union to Lebanon Delegation of the European Union to Liberia Delegation of the European Union to Mozambique Delegation of the European Union to Rwanda Delegation of the European Union to Senegal Delegation of the European Union to Sierra Leone Delegation of the European Union to Somalia Delegation of the European Union to South Sudan Delegation of the European Union to Sudan Delegation of the European Union to the African Union Delegation of the European Union to the Federal Republic of Nigeria and ECOWAS Delegation of the European Union to The Gambia Delegation of the European Union to the Kingdom of Lesotho Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Malawi Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Mauritius and the Republic of Seychelles Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Mauritius, Union of Comoros and Republic of Seychelles Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of South Africa Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of the Sudan Delegation of the European Union to the United Republic of Tanzania and the East African Community Delegation of the European Union to Uganda Delegation of the European Union to Zambia and COMESA Delegation of the European Union to Zimbabwe Deloitte Democracy in Africa Dentons Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport – United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development: Republic of South Africa Department of Arts and Culture, South Africa (DCA) Department of Basic Education: Republic of South Africa Department of Communication – Kingdom of Morocco Department Of Communications and Digital Technologies, Republic of South Africa Department of Defence, Republic of South Africa Department of Employment and Labour, Republic of South Africa Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland Department of Foreign Affairs, Republic of the Philippines Department of Health & Social Care, United Kingdom Department of Health, Seychelles Department of Higher Education and Training – Republic of South Africa Department of Human Settlements: Republic of South Africa Department of Mineral Resources and Energy: Republic of South Africa Department of Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation: The Republic of South Africa Department of Science and Innovation, Republic of South Africa Department of Small Business Development, Republic of South Africa Department of Social Development, Republic of South Africa Department of Sport and Recreation, Republic of South Africa Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, Republic of South Africa (DSAC) Department of Statistics, Republic of South Africa Department of Tourism, Republic of South Africa Department of Water and Sanitation, Republic of South Africa Department of Women, Republic of South Africa Dépositaire Central/Banque de Règlement (DC/BR) Derou & Partners Deutsche Post DHL Development Partners International (DPI) DFID Malawi Diario AS Diaspora News Magazine Digital Afrique Telecom Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO) Digital Industries (Pty) Ltd Digital Kenya Digital Music Commerce and Exchange Limited Digital Solutions Group Digital Virgo Digitata Insights DigiZag Dimension Data Diplomatic Courier Directorate of Communication and Public Relations of the Armed Forces, Burkina Faso Discovery Communications, LLC Discovery Learning Alliance Discovery Limited District 2020 District Autonome des Lacs Djembe Consultants DLA Piper dmg events dmg Nigeria events DMWA Resources DNG Energy DOC Research Institute Donald Duke Dongfeng Motor Corporation DoshFX Dow DowDuPont DP World DPO Group DPO Pay Dr Walter Mzembi Dr. Hage Geingob, President of Namibia Dr. Patricia Laverley Dr. Salih Onur Basat Clinic Dr. Shogo Consulting Drees & Sommer Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry Dubai Entertainment Amusement & Leisure Exhibition (DEAL 2024) Duggan Flanakin DuPont Sustainable Solutions (DSS) EABW Digital Ltd East Africa Com East Africa International Arbitration Conference (EAIAC) East African Community easyJet Eaton Business School EBANX ECAir (Equatorial Congo Airlines) ECO Fund Ecobank Côte d’Ivoire Ecobank Foundation Ecobank Kenya Limited Ecobank Nigeria Ecobank Transnational Incorporated EcoFlow Ecolog International Econet Group Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) ECOWAS Centre for Surveillance and Disease Control (ECOWAS RCSDC) Edelman EDF Éditions L’Harmattan Education Africa Education Innovation Summit Efacec EFG Hermes Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) Egyptian Rugby Football Union Ehiedu Iweriebor Eko Atlantic Eko Development Company Ekwulobia Catholic Diocese – Nigeria eLearning Africa elev8 Elevandi Elm Embaixada da França em Angola Embaixada de Portugal em São Tomé e Príncipe Embaixada dos EUA em Cabo Verde Embaixada EUA em Moçambique Embassy of Algeria in France Embassy of Algerie to the United States of America Embassy of Brazil to Botswana Embassy of Canada to Burkina Faso Embassy of Canada to Côte d’Ivoire Embassy of Canada to Morocco and Mauritania Embassy of Canada to South Sudan Embassy of Canada to Tunisia Embassy of Canada to Zimbabwe Embassy of Cuba in South Africa Embassy of Cuba in Uganda Embassy of Denmark – Pretoria, South Africa Embassy of Denmark in Ghana Embassy of Denmark in Tanzania Embassy of Denmark, Ethiopia Embassy of Egypt in New Delhi, India Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels Embassy of Ethiopia in Stockholm, Sweden Embassy of Ethiopia in Washington DC Embassy of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Dakar, Senegal Embassy of Finland in Nairobi Embassy of Finland in Pretoria, South Africa Embassy of Finland, Addis Ababa Embassy of Finland, Tunis Embassy of France in Accra, Ghana Embassy of France in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Embassy of France in Gaborone, Botswana Embassy of France in Juba, South Sudan Embassy of France in Nigeria Embassy of France in Zambia Embassy of Ghana – Vienna, Austria Embassy of Ghana – Washington DC, USA Embassy of Ghana in France Embassy of Ghana in Japan Embassy of Ghana in Spain Embassy of India, Bamako, Mali Embassy of India, Cairo, Egypt Embassy of India, Rabat, Morocco Embassy of Ireland in Nigeria Embassy of Ireland, Egypt Embassy of Ireland, Ethiopia Embassy of Ireland, Kenya Embassy of Ireland, Malawi Embassy of Ireland, Mozambique Embassy of Ireland, Sierra Leone Embassy of Ireland, South Africa Embassy of Ireland, Tanzania Embassy of Ireland, Uganda Embassy of Ireland, Zambia Embassy of Israel in Ethiopia Embassy of Italy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Embassy of Italy in Zambia Embassy of Japan in Angola Embassy of Japan in Botswana Embassy of Japan in Egypt Embassy of Japan in Ethiopia Embassy of Japan in Gambia Embassy of Japan in Ghana Embassy of Japan in Kenya Embassy of Japan in Mozambique Embassy of Japan in Namibia Embassy of Japan in Nigeria Embassy of Japan in Rwanda Embassy of Japan in Seychelles Embassy of Japan in Somalia Embassy of Japan in South Africa Embassy of Japan in South Sudan Embassy of Japan in Sudan Embassy of Japan in Tanzania Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Cameroon Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Zambia Embassy of Japan in Uganda Embassy of Japan in Zimbabwe Embassy of Libya in Washington, D.C. Embassy of Madagascar in Japan Embassy of Morocco in Australia, New Zealand and Pacific States Embassy of Morocco in South Africa Embassy of Namibia in Brussels, Belgium Embassy of Nigeria in the Russian Federation Embassy of Republic of Kenya in Dublin, Ireland Embassy of Romania in the Republic of South Africa Embassy of Sweden in Cairo Embassy of Sweden, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Embassy of Switzerland in Ghana Embassy of Switzerland in Tanzania Embassy of the Central African Republic in Paris, France Embassy of the Czech Republic in Abuja Embassy of the Czech Republic in Accra Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Rome, Italy Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, London, UK Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ottawa, Canada Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Tokyo, Japan Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany – Tanzania Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Kampala Embassy of The Kingdom of Bahrain – Cairo, Egypt Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Japan Embassy of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to Japan Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Federal Republic of Nigeria Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Gambia Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Botswana Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Ghana Embassy of The People’s Republic of China in the Republic of India Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Kenya Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Liberia Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Mauritius Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Namibia Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Rwanda Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Sierra Leone Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of South Africa Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of the Philippines Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Uganda Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Zambia Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the United Republic of Tanzania Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the United States of America Embassy of the People’s Republic of China to the Federal Democractic Republic of Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic in Poland in Dar es Salaam Embassy of the Republic of Angola in Japan Embassy of the Republic of Angola in Russia Embassy of the Republic of Angola in South Africa Embassy of the Republic of Angola in the United States of America Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Federal Republic of Nigeria Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of South Africa Embassy of the Republic of Belarus to the Arab Republic of Egypt Embassy of the Republic of Congo to the United States of America Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in the Republic of South Africa Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti in Japan Embassy of The Republic of Ghana – Denmark Embassy of the Republic of Ghana in Luanda, Angola Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Khartoum, Sudan Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tripoli, Libya Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Windhoek, Republic of Namibia Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Cairo Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Rabat, Morocco Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Tunis Embassy of the Republic of Kenya in Japan Embassy of the Republic of Kenya in Spain Embassy of the Republic of Mali to the United States of America Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Nairobi, Kenya Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Pretoria Embassy of The Republic of Rwanda in Japan Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone in The Federal Republic Of Germany Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone in the Republic of Korea Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Rome, Italy Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Arab Republic of Egypt Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan – Washington DC Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan in Berlin Embassy of the Republic of Uganda in Japan Embassy of the Republic of Zambia Sweden – Stockholm Embassy of the Republic of Zambia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the Russian Federation in Nigeria Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Botswana Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of South Africa Embassy of the Russian Federation to the Arab Republic of Egypt Embassy of the State of Eritrea – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Embassy of the State of Eritrea in Sweden Embassy of the State of Palestine in the Arab Republic of Egypt Embassy of the State of Qatar in Mogadishu Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania – Tokyo, Japan Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania Brussels, Belgium Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania in Nordic Countries, Baltic States and Ukraine Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania Tel Aviv, Israel Embassy of Ukraine in the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Kenya Embassy of Ukraine to Arab Republic of Egypt Ember Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund (EAIF) Emerging Energy Corporation (EEC) Emerging Public Leaders Emerson EMRC Endeavour Mining Corporation Energiya Global Energy and Environment Partnership Programme with Southern and East Africa (EEP S&EA) Energy Capital & Power Energy Resources Senegal (ERS) EnergyNet Ltd. EnergyWise Engen EngenderHealth, Inc. ENGIE Engie Energy Access Entrepreneur’s Organization Eos Capital Epazz, Inc. EPIC Africa EQS Group Equality Now Equatorial Guinea-Saudi Arabia Economic Forum Equatorial Guinea: Official Web Page of the Government Equra Health Eranove Ericsson Esaal Eseye Espace Géographique et Société Marocaine ESPN Ethiopian Public Health Institute Etisalat Etix Group EU Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic EU Border Assistance Mission in Libya (EUBAM) EU Capacity Building Mission in Somalia (EUCAP Somalia) EU Delegation to Somalia EU Training Mission in Mali (EUTM-Mali) EU Training Mission in Somalia (EUTM-Somalia) EUNAVFOR Atalanta EurAfrican Forum EuroFresh Exotics European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) European Commission European Court of Auditors (ECA) European External Action Service (EEAS) European Investment Bank (EIB) European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) European Parliament European Parliament – The President European Space Agency (ESA) European Union European Union Capacity Building Mission in Mali (EUCAP Sahel Mali) European Union Capacity Building Mission in Niger (EUCAP Sahel Niger) European Union Delegation to the Republic of Zimbabwe European Union Election Observation Mission European Union Election Observation Mission Zimbabwe 2023 European Union External Action European Union External Action: The Diplomatic Service of the European Union European Union Naval Force ATALANTA (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Eutelsat EVA Pharma Events Investment Fund Evercare Hospital Lekki Everlytic eWAKA Exemplars in Global Health Exness Expand North Star Expertise France Expo 2020 Dubai Export Development Canada EXX Africa EY Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth EZRAIDER Global, Inc. Fabrik Face2Face Africa FACTSTORY Agency FACTWIRE NEWS AGENCY Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Fairtrade Messe und Ausstellungs GmbH & Co. KG Falcon Aerospace Group Falken Tyres South Africa FAO Regional Office for Africa Farm Support Services Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Government Communication Service Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research, Switzerland Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Switzerland Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA), Switzerland Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Nigeria (FMARD) Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria Federal Ministry of Health, Sudan Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade & Investment, Nigeria Federal Ministry of Information and Culture, Nigeria Federal Ministry of Transportation, Nigeria Federal Ministry of Youth & Sports Development, Nigeria Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Federal Republic of Ambazonia Federal Republic of Somalia – Office of the President Federated Commodities Fédération Algérienne de Rugby Fédération Béninoise de Rugby Fédération Burkinabè de Rugby Fédération Burundaise de Rugby (FBR) Fédération Congolaise de Rugby (FECORUGBY) Fédération de Football de la Mauritanie (FFRIM) Fédération Gabonaise de Rugby (FEGAR) Fédération Ivoirienne de Rugby (FIR) Fédération Malagasy de Rugby (FMR) Fédération Malienne de Rugby (FMR) Fédération Mauritanienne de Rugby (FMR) Fédération Nigérienne de Rugby Fédération Royale Marocaine de Rugby Fédération Sénégalaise de Rugby (FSR) Fédération Togolaise de Rugby (FTR) Fédération Tunisienne de Rugby FedEx Corp. Feet ‘N’ Tricks International Feet ‘N’ Tricks Limited Fenix International Festival de l’Electronique et du Jeu vidéo d’Abidjan (FEJA) Fez Delivery FIAT Fidelity Bank Plc FIFA FIFA Appeal Committee FIFA Ethics Committee FIMER SA Fin (formerly Finclusion Group) Financial Afrik Financial Gazette Newswire Financial Nigeria International Limited Financial Times Africa Representative FINCA Microfinance Bank Tanzania FIND FINISH First National Bank Eswatini (FNB) First National Bank Zambia (FNB) Fisandratana 2030 Fitch Solutions Flapmax Flat6Labs Flocash Flour Mills of Nigeria (FMN Group) Flourish Africa Fluenta FluidRock Governance Group Fly Africa flydubai flynas Folha 8 Folorunso Alakija Foundation Fondation BGFIBank Fonds Gabonais d’Investissements Stratégique (FGIS) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Football Africa Forum for Africa For Africa Forever Forbes Forbes Africa Forbes Woman Africa Forbes Woman Africa Regional Forum Forcepoint Ford Foreign Ministry of Oman Foreign Policy Foreign Policy Blogs Forest Stewardship Council Fortinet Forum Création Africa Forum de Bamako Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Foundation for a Smoke-Free World Four Seasons Hotels France Diplomatie – Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères FrancoReal FRANKIE MASTON Fraternité Matin Freedom House Freedom of Mobility Forum French Embassy in Kenya French Embassy in Kenya and Somalia French Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya Fresh Angle International Newspaper Freshworks Fridays for Future Namibia Friends of Bonobos Frost & Sullivan FTI Consulting Fundo Soberano de Angola Future Energy East Africa Future Energy Series: Africa Future Mobility Solutions Ltd Futurelect G5 Sahel Gabon Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) Gaia Africa GAINDE 2000 Gamcotrap Game Rangers Association of Africa Gaming Africa Garmin Southern Africa Gateway Real Estate Africa Gauteng Department of Health (GDoH), South Africa Gauteng Office of the Premier, South Africa Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance GBS Africa GCC Services GDN Studios GE GE Gas Power GE Healthcare GE Vernova’s Gas Power Gécamines Gécamines SA Gemalto General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions (CIBAFI) General Secretariat for Synod of Bishops Generation Africa Genesis Analytics Genesis Energy Genesys Genser Energy GeoPoll German Embassy Addis Ababa German Embassy in Dar es Salaam German Embassy in Gaborone German Embassy in Windhoek German Embassy Khartoum German Embassy Nairobi German Information Centre Africa Germany – Federal Foreign Office Germany-Africa Business Forum (GABF) Ghana Communication Technology University Ghana Embassy Spain Ghana Embassy Zimbabwe Ghana Health Service Ghana Investment Promotion Center Ghana Rugby Football Union GHash Mining Gigawatt Global GITEX Africa GITEX Global GIZ GLASSHOUSEPR Global Affairs Canada Global Africa Business Initiative Global African Hydrogen Summit Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) Global Citizen Global Design Challenge for Sport and Physical Activity Global Digital Solutions Inc. Global Energy Monitor Global Event Partners Ltd Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Global Impact Conference Global Infrastructure Hub (GI Hub) Global Pacific & Partners Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Global Schistosomiasis Alliance (GSA) Global Startup Awards (GSA) GLOBAL Technologies Global Voice Group Global Witness Globeleq GMES and Africa GoDaddy Goethe-Institut GoGettaz Agripreneur Prize GoGlobal GoMetro Good Governance Africa GOODsoil VC Gouvernement de Côte d’Ivoire Gouvernement de la République de Djibouti Gouvernement de la République du Bénin Gouvernement du Burkina Faso Gouverneur, Province du Sud-Kivu Gouvernorat de la Province de l’Ituri (République Démocratique du Congo) Government of Botswana Government of Canada Government of Dubai Government of Equatorial Guinea Government of Eswatini Government of Kenya Government of Lesotho Government of Liberia Government of Malawi Government of Rwanda Government of Sierra Leone Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran Government of the Netherlands Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea Government of the Republic of Mali Government of the Republic of South Sudan Government of UK Government Offices of Sweden, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Governo de Angola Governo de Cabo Verde Governo de Moçambique GP Global Graça Machel Trust Graça Machel Trust (GMT) Green Energy Africa Summit Greenlight Planet Greenpeace Africa GreenTec Capital Partners Grey Grit Real Estate Income Group GROHE Grosso.Africa Groupe Afrique54 Sarl Groupe Ascoma Groupe COFINA Groupe Orabank Groupe Renault Grundfos GTBank Guaranty Trust Holding Company Plc Gulf of Guinea Interregional Network (GOGIN) HabariPay Habitat for Humanity Hacioglu Gold Mine Hanergy Hapag-Lloyd Harris Africa Partners Harvard – CMESTunisia Harvard Kennedy School Hawa Dolley Heifer International HEINEKEN Heineken Africa Inspired Fashion Challenge Heirs Holdings Heirs Oil & Gas Helios Eyewear (Mauritius) Helium One Helix Institute of Digital Finance Hellenic Republic – Greece in South Africa Helmsman Quality and Technology Services Company Ltd. (HQTS) Herbert Mensah Heritage Times HT Hery Rajaonarimampianina HID Global High Commission of Canada in Ghana High Commission of Canada in Kenya High Commission of Canada in Mozambique High Commission of Canada in Nigeria High Commission of Canada in South Africa High Commission of Canada in Tanzania High Commission of India, Accra, Ghana High Commission of India, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania High Commission of India, Gaborone, Botswana High Commission of India, Lilongwe, Malawi High Commission of India, Lusaka, Zambia High Commission of India, Nairobi, Kenya High Commission of India, Port Louis, Mauritius High Commission of India, Pretoria, South Africa High Commission of India, Victoria, Seychelles High Commission of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana in the Republic of South Africa High Commission of the United Republic of Tanzania Abuja, Nigeria Higherlife Foundation Hills Pet Nutrition Hilton HIMOINSA Hinen Hip Africa Hitachi Data Systems Hitachi Energy Hogan Lovells Hollard Holy See Press Office Homeward Bound Honoris United Universities Horasis: The Global Visions Community Hotelnownow Hotwire How we made it in Africa HP HSG Holding Huawei Huawei Enterprise Human Factors International (HFI) Human Rights Watch (HRW) Human RightWorking Group (HRWG) on Somalia Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) Humaniq Humpherys Elkington Ltd HWB HYCM Hytera Hyve Group plc IAM Africa IC Publications ICAEW ICAP Africa Direct ICE Africa ICS Financial Systems (ICSFS) IDEA D4D Hub Ideas Cartel Idriss Deby Itno, President of the Republic of Chad IDU Holdings IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) IEC Telecom Ifedayo Adeleye iflix IGN FI IHG Hotels & Resorts iiDENTIFii IKEA Imani IMPACT Imperial Independent ICT Consultant, Derrick Sebbaale Indigo Publications Indorama Corporation inDrive INFINOX Capital Infobip Infomineo Informa Markets: Energy Informa Markets: Healthcare Informa Telecoms & Media Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) Ingenico, a Worldline Brand Initiative for Global Development (IGD) Innovate Africa Foundation Innovate Ventures INOI Global Mobile Phones LLC inq. Insight Consulting Inspired Testing Instinctif Institute for Security Studies (ISS) Integral Intelcia Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Inter-Regional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa (IMBISA) Interactive Intelligence, Inc. International Air Transport Association (IATA) International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Budget Partnership International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) International Canoe Federation International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) International Conference on Tax in Africa (ICTA) International Conference on the Great Lakes Region International Criminal Court (ICC) International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid-Tropics (ICRISAT) International Data Corporation (IDC) International Diamond Conference 2015 International Energy Agency (IEA) International Enterprise (IE) Singapore International Expo-Consults (IEC) International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) International Forum on Islamic Finance (IFIF) International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) International Heavy Haul Association (IHHA) Conference International Indigenous Working Group on HIV & AIDS (IIWGHA) International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) International Labour Organization (ILO) International Land Coalition for Africa (ILC Africa) International March of the Living International Maritime Organization (IMO) International Monetary Fund (IMF) International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organisations (INNCO) International Organization for Migration (IOM) International Raelian Movement (IRM) International Rescue Committee (IRC) International Road Transport Organisation (IRU) International Sports Press Association (AIPS) International Surrealism Now International Trade Centre Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Internet Society (ISOC) Internet Society Foundation INTERPOL INTL FCStone Inc. Intracom Middle East LLC Intracom Telecom Invest Africa Invest in Data Center Africa Summit InvestDRC Investing in African Mining Indaba Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P) Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC) Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDB Group) Islamic Development Bank Group Business Forum (THIQAH) Islamic Development Bank Institute (IsDBI) Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD) iSON Xperiences IT Hospitality Group IT News Africa Italia Africa Business Week (IABW) ITW Africa JA Africa Jamara Home Janngo Jeanine Mabunda Lioko Jeune Afrique Media Group JLL JMG Limited Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. Joule Africa Journaliste en Danger Jovadi Jubilee Holdings Limited Jumeirah Group Jumia Junior Achievement (JA) Africa Jwebi K. Riva Levinson Kabakoo Kaizene Kalangala Oil Palm Growers Association (KOPGA) KaliSpot Kamaleon Karen Van Der Wath Kariuki Communication Kariya Energy Kasada Capital Management Kasi Insight Kaspersky KEANE Kearney Keeping Girls in School (KGS) Keerapa Active Ken Research KenTrade Kenya Airways Kenya Rugby Union (KRU) Kerry KFC Africa Khato Civils Kholo Capital Kingdom of Belgium – Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Kingdom of Morocco – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates Kingspan Group Kirusa KLEVV Knight Frank LLP KnowBe4 Kofi Annan International Peace Keeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) Koncept Advertisement Konnect Africa Kosmos Energy Kotula Kowry Energy Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth University KTO Télévision Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) Kuwait International Health Safety and Environment Conference and Exhibition (KIHSSE) KWBI Management,LLC. Kwesé Kwik Kyosk Digital Services L’AIMF L’Ambassade d’Algérie en Croatie L’association du Salon Halieutis L’Institut Choiseul L’Oréal Group L’Agence L’Agence Digitale d’Informations Africaines (ADIA) L’Ambassade du Japon en Mauritanie L’Oréal Foundation La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations de Côte d’Ivoire La Coordination Nationale de Gestion de la Riposte au COVID-19 – République Togolaise La France en République centrafricaine La Journée de la Femme Digitale La Republique du Mali en Belgique et en Europe La Tribune Afrique Lagos Free Zone (LFZ) Lagos Post Online Lagos State Ministry of Health LBank Le Bureau d’Exécution Stratégique du Premier Ministre de Guinée Le collectif des avocats de Khalifa SALL Le Groupe BGFIBank Le Monde Le Monde diplomatique Le360 Sport LEAP LEAP Africa Lebanon International Oil & Gas Summit (LIOG) Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship Legazy Lekela Les Acteurs des ICC de Côte d’Ivoire Les Congolais Debout Lesaffre Lewis Chukwuma LG Electronics West Africa Libre Express Light Reading Ligue Djiboutienne des Droits Humains (LDDH) Linexpo Liquid Intelligent Technologies LittleBigSouls International Charitable Foundation Live Hub Entertainment LiveU LIXIL Lizbeth Kariuki Lomé Actu Lomé Gazette London Internet Exchange (LINX) Losamills Consult Louis Berger LS telcom Lualaba Mining Lumos Global Lux Afrique Lux Afrique Boutique LYOUM MacauHub Machine Learning Africa Made for a Woman Maesa Musical, LLC Mahindra Comviva Mail & Guardian MainOne Mainstream Renewable Power Mairie de Bangui Mairie de Meckhé (Ngaye) Majorel Africa Maka Angola Malta Blockchain Summit Mama Money MAN Diesel & Turbo Mandela Mile Mandela Remembrance Walk and Run Mandela Rhodes Foundation Mansa Media Mansoura University Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) MAPP Africa Mara Foundation Mara Group Mara Mentor Marca MarketForce Marriott International, Inc. Maser Mashreq Mastercard Mathews Phosa Mauritanian Embassy in Jakarta Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority Mazars Uganda McKinsey & Company MDXi Mecho Autotech Meckanzy Inc. Medcare Médecins sans frontières (MSF) MEDEF International Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Media Revolution Mediacraft Associates MediaTek Inc. Medic West Africa Medicines for Malaria Venture Medsaf Meet and Code MePlaylistTM Mercer LLC Merck Merck Foundation Mercy Ships Meta MetalZoom.Energy Michelin MiCLIENT Pvt. Ltd MicroSave (MSC) MicroSave Consulting (MSC) Microsoft Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards Middle East Energy Dubai MIE Events DMCC MiGenTra MineAfrica Inc. Mineral Circles Bearings Mining Indaba Minist ère de la Santé et de l’Action Sociale Minister for Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, Tanzania Ministere de la Communication et de L’economie Numerique-Côte d’Ivoire Ministère de la Communication et des Médias – République Démocratique du Congo Ministère de la communication, République du Mali Ministere de la Santé de Djibouti Ministère de la Santé de la Population et de la Réforme Hospitalière, Algérie Ministère de la Santé du Bénin Ministère de la Santé du Burkina Faso Ministère de la Santé et de l´Hygiène Publique, Côte d’Ivoire Ministère de la Santé et de l’Action Sociale du Sénégal Ministère de la Santé et de la Population, République centrafricaine Ministère de la Santé et des Affaires Sociales, Gabon Ministère de la Santé et du Développement Social du Mali Ministère de la Santé Publique Burundi (MSPLS) Ministère de la Santé Publique du Cameroun Ministère de la Santé Publique du Niger Ministère de la Santé Publique du Tchad Ministère de la Santé Publique, Madagascar Ministère de la Santé Publique, République Démocratique du Congo Ministere de la Sante, de la Population, de la Promotion de la Femme et de l’integration de la Femme au Developpement, République du Congo Ministère de la santé, Maroc Ministère de la Santé, Mauritanie Ministère des Affaires Étrangères de la République de Côte d’Ivoire Ministère des Affaires Etrangères de la République Française Ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération de Mauritanie Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et des Sénégalais de l’Extérieur Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, de la Coopération Regionale et des Burkinabè de l’Extérieur Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Madagascar Ministère des Postes, des Télécommunications et des Nouvelles Technologies de Madagascar (MPTNT) Ministère des Transports, Côte d’Ivoire Ministère du Budget et des comptes publics – Gabon Ministère du Budget République du Gabon Ministère du Numérique et de la Digitalisation – République du Bénin Ministère du Tourisme et de l’Environnement du Congo Brazzaville Ministère du Tourisme, des Transports et de la Météorologie de Madagascar Ministère tunisien des Affaires Etrangères Ministério da Saúde (MISAU), Moçambique Ministério da Saúde e da Segurança Social – Cabo Verde Ministério da Saúde, Angola Ministerio da Saúde, Cabo Verde Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale Ministre de l’Intérieur et de la Sécurité publique, République du Bénin Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Albania Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion of the Republic of Malta Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Egypt Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom Ministry of Energy, Republic of Sierra Leone Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India Ministry of External Affairs – Government of India Ministry of Finance – Republic of Ghana Ministry of Finance & Economic Planning, Republic of Sudan Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs (MoFEA) – The Republic of The Gambia Ministry of Finance, Economy and Planning of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (Malabo) Ministry of Finance, Ethiopia Ministry of Finance, Republic of Angola Ministry of Finance, The Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Malawi Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Portugal Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Sri Lanka Ministry of Foreign Affairs – The Bahamas Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Kingdom of Jordan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – Federal Republic of Somalia Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – Republic of Sierra Leone Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Rwanda Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Investment Promotion – Federal Republic of Somalia Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of Ghana Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism – Foreign Affairs Department, Republic of Seychelles Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Co-operative Republic of Guyana Ministry of Foreign Affairs Malaysia Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kenya Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Liberia Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Maldives Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The State of Qatar Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway Ministry of Foreign Affairs, People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade, Mauritius Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Poland Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State of Kuwait Ministry Of Green Economy And Environment, Republic Of Zambia Ministry of Health – Ethiopia Ministry of Health – Republic of Uganda Ministry of Health & Human Services, Federal Republic of Somalia Ministry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Population, Egypt Ministry of Health and Population, Republic of Malawi Ministry of Health and Social Services, Namibia Ministry of Health and Wellness, Republic of Botswana Ministry of Health, Estawini Ministry of Health, eSwatini Ministry of Health, Ghana Ministry of Health, Kenya Ministry of Health, Lesotho Ministry of Health, Republic of Liberia Ministry of Health, Republic of Rwanda Ministry of Health, Republic of South Sudan Ministry of Health, The Gambia Ministry of Health, Zambia Ministry of ICT And National Guidance: Republic Of Uganda Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Namibia Ministry of Information and Communication, Sierra Leone Ministry of Information, Eritrea Ministry of Information, Ghana Ministry of International Cooperation, Egypt Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation, Republic of Namibia Ministry of Mineral Resources & Petroleum Angola Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons, Equatorial Guinea Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy Equatorial Guinea Ministry of Planning and Economic Development – Egypt Ministry of Posts, Telecom and Technology of Somalia Ministry of Sports, Culture and Heritage (Republic of Kenya) – Office of the Cabinet Secretary Minit Money Miranda & Associados Mission d’observation électorale de l’Union européenne Sénégal 2019 Mission de l’Organisation des Nations unies en République démocratique du Congo (MONUSCO) Missionaries of Africa – White Fathers Missions Ponctuelles Mitrelli Group MOAB Power Mobile Accord Mobilitas Africa Modern Democratic Party Modex Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF) Mon Heure d’Afrique Monarch&Co International Mondelēz International Mondia Pay Moneda Invest MoneyGram International, Inc. Moneymailme Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa (MESA) Monsooq Monthly Review Foundation Monty Mobile Moody’s Corporation Investor Relations MooveBeta Moscow Central Diameter mothers2mothers (m2m) Moto 4 Smile Motorola Solutions Moushira Khattab, Candidate au poste de Directeur Général de l’UNESCO Mozambican Oil and Gas Chamber (CPGM) Mozambique Energy Chamber Mozilla mPharma MPOWER Financing Mr Mokrane SABRI MSD MTN Nigeria MTN Uganda Mukuru Mulk International MultiChoice Group Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Mundipharma Pte Ltd Mundo-Power Murdoch University MVNE (Pty) Ltd My Chic Africa MY! MYDAWA MyMonty MyOffice Nações Unidas no Brasil (ONU Brasil) Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL) Namibia Embassy in Vienna Namibia Future Media Holdings Namibia International Energy Conference (NIEC) Namibia Rugby Union Nana Yaa Ofori Atta National Agency for Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels (ANPG) National Aviation Services (NAS) National Basketball Association (NBA) National Center for Disease Control, Libya National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Nigeria National Energy Services Reunited Corp. National Institute for Communicable Diseases, South Africa (NICD) National Institute of Biological Research, Democratic Republic of the Congo National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Treasury, Republic of South Africa Nations Unies Bénin NaturalShrimp, Inc. Nawiri Group NB Mining Africa Nedbank IMC Conference Nedcomoaks Nelson Mandela Foundation NEM Insurance Neosun Nesta, on behalf of Feed the Future Nestlé Netflix Netherlands Embassy in Accra – Ghana Netherlands embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Netherlands embassy in Cotonou, Benin Netherlands Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya Netherlands embassy in Pretoria, South Africa Network International New African Magazine New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade News24 NewsGPT NewsTrendsKE Newsweek Next Einstein Forum (NEF) Niger Renaissance Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (NCDC) Nigeria Rugby Football Federation (NRFF) Nigeria’s National Primary Health Care Development Agency Nigerian Army Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) Nigerian Export-Import Bank (NEXIM) Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) Nigerian Young Professionals Forum (NYPF) Nile Explorer Niron Metals Niyel Noella Foundation Nokia NollywoodWeek Paris Film Festival Nomanini Nomba Norilsk Nickel North American Lasik & Eye Surgery Centre North West Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, South Africa North West Office of the Premier, Republic of South Africa North-West University Norwegian Refugee Council Notify Logistics NOVACOM Summits Novartis Novartis and DNDi Novartis Foundation Novartis International AG Novartis, Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) and EDCTP Novus Holdings NOW Movement NTT Pro Cycling Nuclear Industry Association of South Africa (NIASA) Nutrition Africa Investor Forum NW Tech Capital Inc. Oak Group Oakbay Investments Ltd Obinna Chima OBSERVADOR OceanHub Africa OCHA Nigeria OCHA Somalia OCHA South Sudan OCHA Sudan OCP Group Odoo Office des Mines et des Industries Stratégiques (OMNIS) Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Office of Lilian Ayuk-Tabe Office of the Acting President of Nigeria Office of the Humanitarian Coordination in Central African Republic – United Nations Office of the President and Cabinet, Zimbabwe Office of The President- Republic of the Gambia Office of the Prime Minister – Canada Office of the Prime Minister, Ethiopia Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen (OSESGY) Office of the Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for the Great Lakes region (OSESG-GL) Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Office of the UN Resident Coordinator – Uganda Office of the Vice President of Kenya Office of the Vice President of Nigeria Office of United States Trade Representative Official Portal of Cairo Governorate ofi OFID Ogilvy & Mather Namibia OKACOM OLA Energy Olagunju, Success Taiwo Olam Agri Olam International Olympique de Marseille (OM) Òmnium Cultural International On Time International One Acre Fund One Planet Summit ONEm ONEm Communications OnePipe Onomo Hotel OPEC Fund Opeoluwa Runsewe Opera Opera Software ASA Opération des Nations Unies en Côte d’Ivoire (ONUCI) Oracle Oradian Oragroup oraimo Órama Corporate Services Orange Orange Madagascar Orange Middle East and Africa Oranto Petroleum Ltd ORBIT TRAINING CENTER Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, Cote d’Ivoire Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, République Centrafricaine (RCA) Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Organon Orient Planet Group OSTATECH and IEC Solutions Outsource Monetic™ Ovamba Solutions Oxfam Ozaremit P&O Maritime Logistics PAC Capital Limited PAC Holdings Palm TV PalmPay Pan African Federation of Filmmakers (FEPACI) Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA) Pan African University, the Institute for Water and Energy Sciences (PAUWES) Pan African Visions Pan-African Private Sector Trade and Investment Committee (PAFTRAC) Pan-African reinsurance Journalism Awards Panalpina World Transport Ltd. Panel chargé d’accompagner la République Démocratique du Congo à la Présidence de l’Union Africaine pour l’exercice 2021-2022 PANGEA-RISK Paperworld Middle East Paradigm Initiative Paradise Game Paramount Group Parliament of the Republic of Uganda Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean Partech Partners Partners Against Piracy Partnerships for Forests Pathé BC Afrique Paxful Paycode PAYFORT Paylater Paylend Payment24 Paymentology PayU Peace Hack Alexandria Pearson Pegasus Development GmbH People Initiative Foundation People’s Network Periculum Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zambia to the United Nations Perseus Mining Ltd. PETA Peter Eigen, founder of Transparency International Petrodel Resources Ltd Peugeot Pfizer Phanes Group Phase3 Telecom Philip Morris International (PMI) Phoenix pi-top PICHA Pinky Khoabane Pinngle Safe Messenger Pitch AgriHack Planet Earth Institute planetGOLD Uganda Plateforme Industrielle d’Adedikope (PIA) Platform Capital Playcasino Pleasures Magazine Plexus Africa Finance PM Pumpmakers GmbH Pocket Money Polish Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya Popay Portail Officiel de la République Togolaise Portail Officiel du Gouvernement de Côte d’Ivoire Portal do Governo de Moçambique Power & Electricity World Africa Power Learn Project Power Up Powering Renewable Energy Opportunities (PREO) Praekelt Foundation Présidence de la République centrafricaine (RCA) Présidence de la République de Côte d’Ivoire Présidence de la République de Djibouti Présidence de la République de Madagascar Présidence de la République du Bénin Présidence de la République du Burundi Présidence de la République du Niger Présidence de la République du Sénégal Présidence de la République du Tchad Présidence de la République française Présidence de la République Gabonaise Présidence de la République Togolaise Présidence du Burkina Faso Presidency of Nigeria Presidency of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Presidency of the Republic of Zambia President of Russia President of the Republic of Kenya Presight Press Information Bureau: Government of India PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) Primature, Côte d’Ivoire Primature, République Démocratique du Congo Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street Princess of Africa Printronix Inc. Private Equity Africa (PEA) Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG) Privinvest Prognari Project Management Institute (PMI) Pronet Gaming Propak Ghana Propak West Africa ProVia Prudential Africa PS Remember Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK) Pulse Africa Pygma Communication Q36.5 Pro Cycling Team QA Venue Solutions Rwanda – Kigali Arena QNet Ltd. Quadrant Knowledge Solutions Quantum Global Group Questra World R-Squared Radisson Hotel Group Raff Military Textile Raha Limited Rainbow Push Rainbow Sports Global Rand Merchant Bank Rasha Kelej RAWBANK Raxio Data Centre RBM Partnership to End Malaria Reach Digital Health Reach for Change Realnews Realsmart Reckitt Red Hat Red Media Africa RedCloud Technologies RedOne Productions Reeperbahn Festival Pan-Africa Regional Episcopal Conference of West Africa (RECOWA) Regional Liquidity Support Facility (RLSF) Registry Africa RegTech Africa Regulatory Authority for Subcontracting in the Private Sector (ARSP) Regus Rehlat Reload Logistics Remittance Africa Rémy Rioux Renewvia Energy Representative Karen Bass Republic of Bulgaria – Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Djibouti Republic of Estonia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Iraq: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Liberia: Executive Mansion Republic of Maldives: The President’s Office Republic of Mauritius Republic of Nigeria: Federal Ministry of Information And National Orientation Republic of South Africa: Department of Communications and Digital Technologies Republic Of South Africa: Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Republic of South Africa: Department of Government Communication and Information System Republic of South Africa: Department of Health Republic of South Africa: Department of International Relations and Cooperation Republic of South Africa: Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Republic of South Africa: Department of Public Service and Administration Republic of South Africa: Department of Public Works and Infrastructure Republic of South Africa: Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Republic of South Africa: Department of Transport Republic of South Africa: Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Republic of South Africa: North West Department of Health Republic of South Africa: Northern Cape Sport, Arts and Culture Republic of South Africa: South African Post Office Republic of South Africa: The Parliament Republic Of South Africa: Western Cape Provincial Government Republic of South Sudan, The First Vice President Republic of Tunisia – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Uganda: Ministry of Education & Sports Republic of Yemen: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates República De Angola: Ministério Das Relações Exteriores República de Guinea Ecuatorial, Ministerio de Sanidad y Bienestar Social República de Moçambique, Ministério da Saúde Republique De Guinee: Ministere du Budget République du Burundi République Togolaise Resolve To Save Lives Ressource Solutions Mauritius Restore Worldwide Retailing Africa Reventify Revna Biosciences REVOLVE REVOLVE Circular Rhodes Business School Rich Africa Consultancy RIFE International Right Livelihood Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) Rimera Group Ringier Africa Digital Publishing (RADP) Ringier AG Riot Games ROAM Roche Roche Pharmaceuticals Limited Rogers & Company Limited Rolls-Royce Root Capital Rosatom Rotary Rothoblaas Royal Academy of Engineering Royal African Society Royal Innovative Royal Moroccan Football Federation Royal Norwegian Embassy in Abuja Royal Norwegian Embassy in Addis Ababa Royal Norwegian Embassy in Ankara Royal Norwegian Embassy in Cairo Royal Norwegian Embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Royal Norwegian Embassy in Juba Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kampala Royal Norwegian Embassy in Khartoum Royal Norwegian Embassy in Lilongwe Royal Norwegian Embassy in Maputo, Mozambique Royal Norwegian Embassy in Nairobi Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Royal Philips Royal Thai Embassy in Cairo, Egypt Royal Thai Embassy, Dakar, Senegal Royal Thai Embassy, Nairobi, Kenya Royal Thai Embassy, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa RS Components RS South Africa Rugby Africa Rugby Union Mauritius Rural Electrification Agency Rushmore Business School Russian Embassy in Eritrea Russian Energy Week (REW) 2023 Rwanda Development Board (RDB) Rwanda Rugby Federation (RRF) S-RM SAB Foundation Sabi Sabre Safaricom Safe Hands for Girls Safe Hands Kenya Sage Sage HR & Payroll Sahara Group Foundation Said Business School – University of Oxford Sakhumnotho Group Holdings Salon du Pagne Africain à Brazzaville Salon International de l’Arganier Saloodo! Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Samy Badibanga, l’ex-Premier Ministre du Congo Sancfis Faso Sandton Central Sandton City Sanimed Sankalp Africa Summit Awards Sanlam Sanofi Sanofi Pasteur SAP Sasai Fintech Sasai Remit SATO Saudi Export Development Authority Saudi Fund for Development Save the Children Savory and Partners Scatec Solar Schneider Electric Sciences Po Executive Education scrumIT Rugby Management System Sea Shepherd Global SEACOM Seamless East Africa 2017 SearchInform Secrétaire d’Etat chargé du Développement et de la Francophonie SEED Sèmè City Send Them Home Sénégalaise des Eaux Serengeti Breweries Limited (SBL) Service d’Information du Gouvernement du Burkina Faso Services du Premier Ministre, République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire SES Sestek Severus SGI Dubai Shared Value Africa Initiative SHAREit She Leads Africa ShEquity Shield SA Shift Social Development Shofha Shoreline Natural Resources ShowMax Shure Siemens AG Siemens Energy Southern Africa Siemens Gamesa Siemens Healthineers Siemens South Africa Sierra Leone Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Sigma Corporation SIGNIS Africa Silencing The Guns Silvertree Holdings SimbaPay SIMFY Africa Simon Kolawolelive Sindika Dokolo Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) Sion Medias Group Sisu Global SITA Skaleet Skills Initiative for Africa SLB Smart Africa Smart Africa Digital Academy Smart Cities Global Investment & Technology Summit SmartViser Smile Communications Smile Telecoms Holdings Ltd Smollan SMRT Snapplify SNC Incorporated Societe Generale Société Minière de Boké (SMB) Société Royale d’ Encouragement du Cheval (SOREC) SolarAfrica Solarplaza Sommet de l’Engagement Sociétal des Entreprises Sonangol EP Sophia Genetics Sotheby’s South Africa: Free State Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs South African Embassy in Paris, France South African Embassy to the Federal Republic of Germany South African Embassy, Washington DC, United States of America South African Government South African Revenue Service South African Rugby Union South African Social Security Agency South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) South African Tourism South China Morning Post South Sudan Ministry of Petroleum SouthBridge Group SouthBridge Investments (SBI) Southern Africa Quantum Consultants and Actuaries (Pty) Ltd Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) SPARK Special Economic Zone Luanda-Bengo Speedaf express Sports for Education and Economic Development (SEED) Project Sports Writers Association of Ghana (SWAG) SquaredFinancial Limited SSP Standard Bank Standard Chartered Stanford Graduate School of Business Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies Starsight Energy Start North StarTimes Startup.Info Startupbootcamp AfriTech Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. State House – Office of the President of the Republic of Seychelles StateCraft Statistics South Africa Stears Steinhoff International Holdings N.V. Stellantis Step Saudi Steyn City Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) STR Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute (SPII) Subtonomy Success Africa Suguba SunMirror AG SunTrust Bank Nigeria Ltd SuperBridge Summit Dubai SuperSport Sure Start SureBüddy Ltd Survey54 Sustainable Energy for All Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) Sustainable Markets Initiative SWAC/OECD SWIFT Swiss Prevention Clinic Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) Symrise AG Syngenta Synodus Episcoporum TABEF Tablet Comunitario Tagattitude Tahaluf Taipei Trade Office in the Federal Republic of Nigeria Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Talamus Health Inc. Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa Tanager Tanzania Energy Congress Tanzania International Forum For Investments Tanzania Investment Forum 2016 Tanzania Mining & Investment Forum Tanzania Women of Achievement Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) Team Qhubeka Team RM TechCabal Techne Summit TechnoServe TechSoft International (TechSoft) TECNO Mobile TECNO Security Response Center (SRC) Tegeta Tejas Networks Ltd TelCables TelCables Nigeria Telecel Group Telecoming Telviva Temenos Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM) Tenneco Terrace Africa Terragon Limited Terrapinn Thales Thales Alenia Space The Access Bank UK Limited The Africa Blockchain Center (The ABC) The Africa Centre The Africa Narrative The Africa Road Builders – Trophée Babacar NDIAYE The African Heritage Concert & Awards The African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) The African Union – Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) The African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) The Afrosport Group The Beast Foundation The Bench The Bidco Truth Coalition The Big 5 Digital Festival Africa The Big Signature Group The Board Diversity Charter The Bosch Group The Brookings Institution The Bulrushes The Canada-Africa Chamber of Business The Catalyst The Center for Human Rights and Democracy (CHRDA) The Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University The Coca Cola Foundation The Commonwealth The Comms Avenue The Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Lagos The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) The Department of Energy, South Africa The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, South Africa The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) The Economist Events The Economist Newspaper Limited The Elders The ELMA Group of Foundations The Embassy of Algeria, Kuala Lumpur The Embassy of Canada to Ethiopia The Embassy of India, Antananarivo, Madagascar The Embassy of India, Dakar, Senegal The Embassy of India, Ethiopia The Embassy of India, Harare, Zimbabwe The Embassy of India, Juba, South Sudan The Embassy of Japan in Malawi The Embassy of Kingdom of Morocco to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany – Windhoek The Embassy of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria in Berlin The Emirates Group The European House – Ambrosetti The Federal Council, Switzerland The Flourishing Entrepreneurial Lifestyle (FELS) The Ghana High Commission, Pretoria, South Africa The Global Coalition Against Daesh The Global Energy Association The Global Fund The Global Institute for Disease Elimination (GLIDE) The Government of Norway The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China The Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini The Guardian The Gupta family The Heritage Management Organization The High Commission of India, Abuja, Nigeria The Hilshaw Group The Holmes Group The House of DreamMaker The Hungarian Government The International Commission to Reignite the Fight Against Smoking The Jack Ma Foundation The Loudhailer The Malabo Montpellier Panel The Mastercard Foundation The Mauritanian Bank for International Trade (BMCI) The Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd (MCB) Group The Medical City The Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST Africa) The Milken-Motsepe Innovation Prize Program The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation The Ministry of Minerals of the United Republic of Tanzania The Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs, Liberia The Naked Convos The Natural Diamond Council (NDC) The New Dawn Online News The Nigeria Solidarity Support Fund The Nigerian Stock Exchange Corporate News The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) The Office of the Personal Representative of the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on sexual violence and child recruitment The Omniverse The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe The Presidency of the Republic of Namibia The Presidency of the Republic, Algeria The Presidency, Republic of Ghana The Presidency, The Arab Republic of Egypt The Presidency: Republic of South Africa The President, Republic of Botswana The Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia The Republic of Sierra Leone State House The Republic of Uganda – Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Rezidor Hotel Group The Russian Government The Social Democratic Front (SDF) for the Republic of Cameroon The Sound Connects Fund (SCF) The South African Aerospace, Maritime and Defence Industries Association (AMD) The South African Book Fair The South African Embassy in Japan The State Council Information Office: The People’s Republic of China The State House of Uganda The State House, Abuja The Stevie® Awards The Style Group The Sun Exchange The Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa The Tony Elumelu Foundation The Trust Fund for Victims The United Kingdom’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) The University of Edinburgh The Walt Disney Company The White House The World Bank Group The Zimbabwean Thierry Pairault ThinkSearch Africa Thomson Reuters ThreadSol TIDAL Tigo Tanzania TikTok TIME Times of Jerusalem Tizeti TMT TMT Finance Tobacco Association of Malawi (TAMA) TOD Today News Africa Toggle Hospitality Insights Togotopnews Top Employers Institute TOPAFRICANEWS Toshiba Total Tourism Update Trace Academia Trace TV (PTY) Ltd Trackforce Valiant TradeMark Africa (TMA) Transform Africa Summit (TAS) Transparency Forum Initiative (TFI) Transparency International Trend Micro Tricia Martinez Trina Solar Tropics Lab TRT True Global Ventures Truecaller TSA – Tout sur l’Algérie Tunisia Investment Forum Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) Turner & Townsend Tusk TÜYAP TWAA TXF Africa 2017 U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) U.S. Air Forces in Europe & Air Forces Africa U.S. Chamber of Commerce U.S. Department of Commerce U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Department of State U.S. Department of the Treasury U.S. Embassy & Consulate in Nigeria U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Morocco U.S. Embassy & Consulates in South Africa U.S. Embassy and Consulate in the Republic of Korea U.S. Embassy Eswatini U.S. Embassy in Algeria U.S. Embassy in Angola U.S. Embassy in Benin U.S. Embassy in Botswana U.S. Embassy in Burundi U.S. Embassy in Cameroon U.S. Embassy in Côte d’Ivoire U.S. Embassy in Djibouti U.S. Embassy in Egypt U.S. Embassy in Equatorial Guinea U.S. Embassy in Eritrea U.S. Embassy in Estonia U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia U.S. Embassy in Gabon U.S. Embassy in Ghana U.S. Embassy in Juba U.S. Embassy in Lesotho U.S. Embassy in Liberia U.S. Embassy in Libya U.S. Embassy in Madagascar U.S. Embassy in Malawi U.S. Embassy in Mali U.S. Embassy in Mauritania U.S. Embassy in Mauritius & Seychelles U.S. Embassy in Mozambique U.S. Embassy in Namibia U.S. Embassy in Niger U.S. Embassy in Rwanda U.S. Embassy in Senegal U.S. Embassy in Sierra Leone U.S. Embassy in Somalia U.S. Embassy in South Sudan U.S. Embassy in Sudan U.S. Embassy in Tanzania U.S. Embassy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo U.S. Embassy in The Gambia U.S. Embassy in Togo U.S. Embassy in Tunisia U.S. Embassy in Uganda U.S. Embassy in Zambia U.S. Embassy in Zimbabwe U.S. Embassy Kinshasa U.S. Embassy Nairobi, Kenya U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) U.S. Mission to The African Union U.S. Mission to the United Nations U.S. Representative Bradley Byrne U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) Uber Uber SSA Ubongo Udeme Etukeyen Uganda International Oil and Gas Summit (UIOGS) Uganda Red Cross Uganda Rugby Union UK Export Finance UK Science & Innovation Network in South Africa UK Trade & Investment UK Trade & Investment Tanzania Umbro UN Country Team (UNCT), Ethiopia UN Country Team in Malawi UN Country Team in Malawi (UNCT) UN Country Team in Somalia UN Habitat UN Information Centre Dar es Salaam UN Information Centre in Cairo UN Information Centre in Pretoria (UNIC) UN News UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) UN Office of the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict UN Political and Peacebuilding Affairs UN Resident Coordinator for Zimbabwe UN Secretary-General’s Task Force on Digital Financing of the Sustainable Development Goals UN Volunteer UN Watch UN Water UN Women UN Women – Africa Unconventional Capital UNCT Sudan UNFPA – East and Southern Africa UNFPA Kenya UNFPA Sierra Leone UNFPA Somalia UNFPA Uganda UNFPA WCARO UNFPA, Democratic Republic of Congo União Europeia Delegação na República de Cabo Verde Unicaf UNICEF Algérie UNICEF Angola UNICEF Chad UNICEF Dakar UNICEF Democratic Republic of Congo UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa UNICEF Ethiopia UNICEF Gambia UNICEF Ghana UNICEF Guinée UNICEF Kenya UNICEF Liberia UNICEF Madagascar UNICEF Malawi UNICEF Maroc UNICEF Mozambique UNICEF Nigeria UNICEF Sierra Leone UNICEF Somalia UNICEF South Africa UNICEF South Sudan UNICEF Tanzania UNICEF Uganda UNICEF West and Central Africa UNICEF Zambia UNICEF Zimbabwe UNICEF, Middle East and North Africa Unilabs Unilever Nigeria Unimoni Union Catholique Africaine de la Presse (UCAP) – Refresher Program Union Catholique Africaine de la Presse (UCAP) – Togo Union des chambres de commerce africaines en Suisse (UCCAS) Union pour la République et la Démocratie (URD) Union pour le Salut National (USN, Djibouti) United Arab Emirates Ministry of Education (MoE) United Arab Emirates Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) United Capital Bank (UCB) United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) United Engine Corporation (UEC) United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office United Kingdom Home Office United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations United Kingdom Telecommunications Academy (UKTA) United Kingdom: Department for Business & Trade United Nations – Office of the Resident Coordinator Cameroon United Nations – Security Council United Nations (UN) United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) United Nations Cabo Verde United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) United Nations Country Team (UNCT), Zimbabwe United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Africa United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Madagascar United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Nigeria United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Uganda United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) United Nations Eritrea United Nations General Assembly United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) United Nations Human Rights Council (UN HRC) United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies United Nations In Egypt United Nations in Kenya United Nations in Madagascar United Nations In South Africa United Nations in Sudan United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) United Nations Information Center in Nairobi United Nations Information Centre – Cairo United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) in Khartoum United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) in Lagos United Nations Information Centre in Dar es Salaam United Nations Information Service Vienna (UNIS) United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS) United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) United Nations Nigeria United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa (ROMENA) United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace (UNOSDP) United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) – Guinée United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe UNRIC United Nations Regional Office For Central Africa (UNOCA) United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office in Tanzania United Nations Secretary-General United Nations Sierra Leone United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) United Nations Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG) United Nations University United Nations- Ethiopia United Nations, Kenya United States Africa Command United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) United States Diplomatic Mission to Nigeria United States Mission to Somalia United States Navy UNITEL International Holdings Uniting to Combat Neglected Tropical Diseases Universal Music Group (UMG) Université Internationale de Casablanca Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique University of Southern California University of The Free State UPL UPS Upstream Upstreaminsider uqudo US-Africa Bridge Building Project UXLink Vallourec Valor Económico ValueX Partners Vanguard Africa Vanguard Newspapers Vantage Capital Group Vardospan Vatican information Service (VIS) VC4A Vedanta Zinc International Velma’s Academy Ventures Africa Verdade Verdant Capital Verde Hotels Verraki Partners Vertiv Vestas Vey & Associés VFS Global Viber Vice President, PRO Victor Oladokun Viettel ViiV Healthcare Vilcek Foundation Ville de Dakar Ville de Kinshasa VIPASO Visa Inc. vivo Vodacom Group Vodacom Tanzania Plc Vodafone Foundation VOE Foundation Voith Voltalia VoxAfrica Vuka Group W.E.B Du Bois Museum Foundation Wari Group Watts Miners Wealth Migrate Web Summit Webb Fontaine Webfluential Wefarm Wellbeing Foundation Africa Weownomy Platform Corporation WeProtect Global Alliance West Africa Connect West Africa Deal Summit West African Health Organization (WAHO) West African International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (WAIPEC) West African Property Summit (WAPI) Western Cape Agriculture and Rural Development, South Africa Western Cape Education Department, South Africa Western Cape Finance and Economic Opportunities, South Africa Western Cape Government: Department of the Premier Western Cape Government: Office of the Premier Western Cape Infrastructure Western Cape Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, South Africa Western Cape Police Oversight and Community Safety, South Africa Western Union Holdings, Inc. what3words Ltd White House Presidential Innovation Fellows WHO Regional Office for Africa WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Wi-flix Winston & Strawn LLP Wise Move Wiseopinion Healthcare Withers LLP Woelilnam Dogbe Women and Men Against Child Abuse (WMACA) Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Organization South Africa Women’s Entrepreneurship and Livelihoods Initiative (WELI) Workonline Communications Workpay Technologies Inc. Workshop 17 WorkSmart for Events Management World Circular Economy Forum World Communication Forum Association World Council of Churches (WCC) World Food Programme (WFP) World Football Summit World Future Council World Future Energy Summit World Health Organization – Eritrea World Health Organization – Ivory Coast World Health Organization – Kenya World Health Organization – Liberia World Health Organization – Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean World Health Organization – Sierra Leone World Health Organization – Uganda World Health Organization – United Republic of Tanzania World Health Organization (WHO) World Health Organization (WHO) – Algeria World Health Organization (WHO) – Angola World Health Organization (WHO) – Burkina Faso World Health Organization (WHO) – Burundi World Health Organization (WHO) – Cabo Verde World Health Organization (WHO) – Cameroon World Health Organization (WHO) – Chad World Health Organization (WHO) – Democratic Republic of Congo World Health Organization (WHO) – Equatorial Guinea World Health Organization (WHO) – Eswatini World Health Organization (WHO) – Ethiopia World Health Organization (WHO) – Guinea World Health Organization (WHO) – Guinea-Bissau World Health Organization (WHO) – Lesotho World Health Organization (WHO) – Madagascar World Health Organization (WHO) – Malawi World Health Organization (WHO) – Mali World Health Organization (WHO) – Mauritania World Health Organization (WHO) – Mauritius World Health Organization (WHO) – Mozambique World Health Organization (WHO) – Namibia World Health Organization (WHO) – Niger World Health Organization (WHO) – Nigeria World Health Organization (WHO) – Republic of the Congo World Health Organization (WHO) – Rwanda World Health Organization (WHO) – Sao Tome and Principe World Health Organization (WHO) – Senegal World Health Organization (WHO) – Seychelles World Health Organization (WHO) – South Africa World Health Organization (WHO) – South Sudan World Health Organization (WHO) – The Gambia World Health Organization (WHO) – Togo World Health Organization (WHO) – Uganda World Health Organization (WHO) – Zambia World Health Organization (WHO), Botswana World Health Organization (WHO), Ghana World Health Organization in Libya World Health Organzation (WHO) – Zimbabwe World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) World LPG Association (WLPGA) World Media Network World Merit Rabat World Meteorological Organization World Panel Inc. World Peace Tracts World Rugby World Telecom Labs (WTL) World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) World Trade Organization (WTO) World Vision International World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Worldline WorldRemit Wound Care Africa WrB Africa Wreckdock LLC Xalam Analytics XL Africa Xrp Classic Xylem Yabx Yango Play Yara International ASA Year of Energy Yebo Yekeen Akinwale Yellow Card Financial Yiwu China Commodity City Yiwu Market Young Women for Awareness, Agency, Advocacy and Accountability (YW4A) Youtap Ltd. Youth for Africa and SDGs YPO ZA Central Registry Zambia High Commission in the United Kingdom Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI) Zambia Rugby Union (ZRU) ZamReal Zayed Sustainability Prize ZC Rubber ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc Zebra Technologies Zecurion ZED GOSSIP Zenith Bank Plc. Zim Cyber City Zimbabwe Rugby Union (ZRU) Zindi Zipline Zoom eco