AfricaLics Ph.D. Academy on Innovation and Competence Building Systems. – Scholarships for Excellence

Application Deadline:20th June 2021

AfricaLics is part of the worldwide research network, The Global Network for the Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems (Globelics). The purpose of the 7th AfricaLics Ph.D. Academy is to support the training of African Doctoral students engaged in research in the academic field of ‘innovation and development’. This is a multidisciplinary field which includes researchers from a range of disciplines often studying innovation studies, the economics of innovation, innovation management, technology management, science and technology studies.

Students and faculty working in the field of innovation and development and principally interested in how innovation relates to economic and social development in Africa are the main target group for the PhD Academy, but the Academy also aims to stimulate awareness of policy and management issues related to this burgeoning field of research.

The Academy will host students from around Africa and a handful of students from the rest of the world. The Academy will invite frontier researchers in the field of innovation and development from around the world to provide lectures and mentor students. We will invite applications from a small number of masters degree students to attend the second week of the event.

Due to the unprecedented and continuing COVID-19 pandemic we are moving the Academy online using Zoom conferencing. The event will take place in two blocks of 5 days of training. The first block will be in July 2021 and the second in September 2021. Each day during each of the two weeks will consist of three (3) sessions. Each session will be 1.5 hours long with a break between each session.

To enable participation across all of Africa’s time zones, the sessions will start at 08:30hrs GMT and will finish at 15:00 GMT. All sessions will include simultaneous translation into French. Given the move online, the format and sessions have changed a little from previous years. However we will still retain the following activities:

Participants and qualification requirements
The number of candidates will be a maximum of 25 in week 1 and 35 in week 2. PhD students who wish to participate will need to fulfil the following requirements:

– PhD students who apply must submit an extended abstract of their PhD thesis of not more than 5 pages.
– Masters students who apply must submit an extended abstract of their Masters project of not more than 2 pages.
– Abstracts should be typed double-spaced in French or in English with font size 12. The abstract should state the objectives, methodology, expected results and (expected) conclusions of the student’s PhD, including supporting figures and main references.

The abstract must be submitted together with the applicant’s CV and a recommendation letter from the principal PhD/ Masters supervisor or a senior scholar who knows the applicant’s work.
These three documents should be sent to the AfricaLics Secretariat ([email protected]) on or before 20th June 2021

For More Information: