AIA Innovation Awards honor cutting-edge green-building solutions | News | Archinect

Two pioneering projects have been recognized with the AIA’s 2020 Innovation Awards: the Catalyst Building in Spokane, Washington, a mass-timber, zero-energy, zero-carbon project designed by Michael Green Architecture and Katerra, won in the Holistic Design category; BHoM Life Cycle Assessment Toolkit, an open-source software tool developed by Buro Happold to measure embodied carbon within building design, triumphed in the Development of Design or Design-Thinking category.

Catalyst Building in Spokane, Washington
Design Architect: MGA | Michael Green Architecture
Architect of Record: Katerra

Project summary: “Born of close collaboration and a set of shared values, Spokane’s Catalyst Building is a testament to the fact that wood buildings can meet and exceed the performance of their steel and concrete counterpoints. Composed of more than 4,000 cubic meters of cross-laminated timber and glulam products, it is expected to be one of the largest buildings in North America to achieve Zero Energy and Zero Carbon certifications from the International Living Future Institute.”

“A number of passive strategies were employed for the
building, including rainwater capture, envelope design based on the Passive
House Standard principles, and durable material application with a design life
expectancy of 75 years. It is also topped with a significant solar photovoltaic
array that will generate upward of 300,000 kilowatt-hours per year. Adjacent to
the Catalyst Building, the Scott Morris Centre for Energy Innovation houses the
centralized heating, cooling, and electrical systems for the Innovation
District. This system includes solar panels, battery, and thermal storage, and
is managed through a smart grid that allows for real-time, automated energy
management, resulting in lower energy consumption and expense.” ~ Click here to read more about this project.