Airspace Management Takes a Leap Forward with New Tactical Innovation Experiment | SOFREP

Airspace Management Takes a Leap Forward with New Tactical Innovation Experiment | SOFREP

“The ASTARTE program underscores the immense potential of integration at ShOC-N. The collaboration between software developers from Raytheon, DARPA, and the C2 operators showcased the power of automation when motivated partners come together.”

In a simulated division-level Joint Air Ground Integration Center (JAGIC), Army and Air Force personnel tested the ASTARTE software within an air-ground conflict scenario. This evaluation incorporated both live data from the Air Force’s Red Flag exercise and simulated data generated by the ShOC-N. Air Force air battle managers assumed the role of an Air Force tactical C2 node, acting as a Control and Reporting Center to enhance real-time battle management decision-making.

The USAF Shadow Operations Center-Nellis worked with a US Army battle lab and DARPA to evolve the ASTARTE joint airspace management and joint fires capability in a role-playing experiment.

Dr. Mary Schurgot, ASTARTE program manager in DARPA’s Strategic Technology Office, expressed her observations:

“In comparison to previous test events, we observed significantly reduced reliance on legacy C2 systems while using the ASTARTE software, and the role players reported a greater understanding of how the ASTARTE system executes tasks.”

The 805th CTS, along with other program stakeholders, achieved a successful assessment of the ASTARTE software. They identified operational considerations and areas for future improvement. Furthermore, they laid out a strategy for transitioning the DARPA program to the Army and Air Force, ensuring that this cutting-edge capability can benefit soldiers and airmen in the field.

Colonel Michael Lake, deputy commander of the 505th Command and Control Wing at Hurlburt Field, Florida, underscored the importance of this endeavor, stating, “For the Air Force, this was all about contributing to the continued evolution of future warfighter capabilities – and it’s really great to see the invaluable role the 805th CTS plays in facilitating the ABMS Battle Lab work with joint partners to bring DOD [Department of Defense] innovation efforts to Soldiers and Airmen in the field, furthering our mission to shape multi-domain command and control moving forward.”

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