Alcon strengthens leadership in IOL innovation with launch of Clareon Presbyopia – BioVoiceNews

New Delhi: Alcon, the global leader in eye care, has announced the launch of the Clareon® Family of intraocular lenses (IOLs) in India. Alcon, the global leader in eye care, has announced the launch of the Clareon® Family of intraocular lenses (IOLs) in India.
New Delhi: Utilizing Alcon’s most advanced IOL material in its 20+ years of IOL innovation, Clareon delivers consistent visual outcomes and exceptional clarity that lasts. Clareon’s clarity is born out of a glistening-free § IOL material that has among the lowest levels of haze and subsurface nanoglistenings (SSNGs), compared to leading competitor IOLs. § IOL material that has among the lowest levels of haze and subsurface nanoglistenings (SSNGs), compared to leading competitor IOLs.
The Clareon platform is available in India in two PCIOL technologies:
Clareon PanOptix, which delivers exceptional clarity and offers spectacle independence across all distances with a patient satisfaction rate of 99.2%
PanOptix® Trifocal IOL, implanted over 2.2 million** times, making it the most widely implanted trifocal IOL in the world
Clareon Vivity with wavefront-shaping X- WAVE™ technology, offering clinically proven exceptionally low rate of visual disturbances and unsurpassed clarity. 9 in 10 (90%) patients were satisfied with their visual outcome and said they would choose Clareon Vivity IOL again for themselves and recommend it for friends and family
Vivity® IOL, designed to extend vision and simplify the presbyopia-correcting experience for surgeons and patients while delivering monofocal- like certainty