Announcing the 2nd ILO Skills Challenge Innovation Call finalists – Global Diaspora News

Lima – The International Labour Organization has announced the five finalists of the 2nd ILO Skills Challenge Innovation Call. The call aims to identify the most innovative solutions in the areas of e-formality and skills development to contribute to the recovery of formal employment in the region after the massive job losses caused by COVID-19.

Over 60 applications from qualified and innovative organizations and entities across the region were received and screened. The selected finalists are (in alphabetical order):

  • Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem da Construção (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial – SENAI/CE, Brazil)
  • #ElasporElas: Ferramenta de Educação Digital para o Empreendedorismo (Serviço Social da Indústria – SESI, Brazil)
  • Encadenamientos productivos y Metodología para gestión y Trazabilidad de inventarios para micro y pequeños emprendimientos informales pertenecientes a grupos vulnerables (Cámara de Industrias de Guayaquil – CIG, Ecuador)
  • No más informalidad (Datalat, Ecuador)
  • Plataforma web “” (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile a través del Centro de Políticas Públicas UC, Chile)

The finalists will have the opportunity to pitch their projects to a panel of experts during a live streamed virtual event on 4 November 2021 at 10h (Lima) /16h (Geneva). All of them will compete for a chance to win USD 30,000 (first prize) and USD 20,000 (second prize), as well as receive expert support for prototyping and implementing their solutions and opportunities for making connections and getting global visibility. During the interactive competition, the audience will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite idea.

Congratulations to the finalists and good luck!

Register in advance for this live event on 4 November at 10h (Lima) / 16h (Geneva):


Over 60 applications from qualified and innovative organizations and entities across the region were received and screened. The selected finalists are (in alphabetical order):

The finalists will have the opportunity to pitch their projects to a panel of experts during a live streamed virtual event on 4 November 2021 at 10h (Lima) /16h (Geneva). All of them will compete for a chance to win USD 30,000 (first prize) and USD 20,000 (second prize), as well as receive expert support for prototyping and implementing their solutions and opportunities for making connections and getting global visibility. During the interactive competition, the audience will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite idea.

Congratulations to the finalists and good luck!

Register in advance for this live event on 4 November at 10h (Lima) / 16h (Geneva):

Source of original article: International Labour Organization (
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