Augmented Reality for Business: Key Pillars of Innovation | Fanisko
Augmented Reality for Business: Key Pillars of Innovation
What do you think of when you think about augmented reality?
More than a few people just think about something like Robocop, where Arnold Schwarzenegger’s classic character is looking for bad guys through the lens of a cybernetic dashboard.
That’s a fun way to think about augmented reality, but it’s by no means the only way.
Augmented reality is evolving in the technology sector. Generally speaking, augmented reality means that you’re adding inputs and stimuli to what you naturally see and hear, in order to enhance your decision-making process. It’s now common in automotive technology and beyond, out in the wider business world, and in medicine and transportation – the list goes on.
So what about AR in your work environment?
Here are some of the components of what we offer to help businesses benefit from augmented reality tools.
Responsive Business
Some of our augmented reality gear relies on the existing network of smartphones and mobile devices that are now so common in business process worlds. Whether it’s BYOD or a company-issued device, these AR tools work on the premise of responsive design, to bring data where it’s needed by porting it onto endpoint devices that are part of our daily lives.
Engagement and Insights
Other aspects of augmented reality are all about engagement.
These tools are designed to attract user activity, for example, from your customer base, and translate it into valuable business intelligence. For example, you might have customer location data aggregated and tracked carefully, in order to show decision-makers the results on the dashboard. That’s augmented reality of a specific type that’s going to be adding value to your business processes, and it is worth looking into.
The Promise of Gamification
This is a big word, with a very simple meaning.
Gamification in AR, and in technology as a whole, involves making technology use enjoyable in a fundamental sense. It means crafting a user experience that is easy and accessible, and building engagement that way. There are a number of ways to do this, for example, making user activity into a contest or competitive game, or adding incentives and prizes, or just simply making things more visual to attract the user’s attention.
Some experts talk about the “three cherries” rule in user experience design – the idea that by using classic gaming icons, you can transform a dry and unappetizing application into something that people want to get their hands on. That can be another part of the recipe for businesses that want to be on the vanguard of AR adoption.
Want to know more? Check out our web site, or contact us for winning AR applications that will work for your company.