Axway partners with DataCity for four startups in innovation

This year, Axway partnered with Sopra Steria to participate jointly in the DataCity program in Paris. You may have heard or read about it, but the DataCity Program is kind of a major deal.
Created in 2015 by NUMA in partnership with the city of Paris, DataCity is the first French program for Open Innovation which brings together big companies, startups and local communities to tackle the challenges of the cities of tomorrow, mostly regarding mobility. Since 2016, DataCity has expanded in other countries and big cities.
Ten challenges were identified and different startups were selected to propose an answer to those challenges. Axway participated in four challenges with different partners and startups.
Free-floating and sidewalks, boosting an electric vehicle charging: Wintics:
Helping cities dealing with the new forms of transportation, Wintics works on solutions based on IA and data to manage and optimize urban flows. As the environment is key—and since 20% of vehicles circulating in Paris are commercial vehicles—there is a real opportunity to replace all vehicles with electric vehicles. Wintics connects many data points to propose a solution to smart cities.
Commuting and parking within Paris in no time challenges: ParkingMap
Over one million drivers cross Paris every day. While parking cars is always a struggle, almost 9,000 parking spots are available in Paris thanks to Paris Habitat. ParkingMap proposes an app to direct the car driver from his/her home to his/her office—including driving and parking at an available spot.
Reducing the time period for roadworks challenge
Many of us face daily roadwork—a long process that can be annoying. And sometimes, roadwork continues for years, with new construction projects just meters from the old one. How could we avoid that? With! analyzes data to optimize roadworks in Paris.
READ MORE: Read all about the Gotmi event and challenge.
Better inform neighborhoods about construction sites: Citykomi
With so much roadwork, it’s often hard to know about current projects in our neighborhood. Well, this is no longer a problem for the fourth district of Paris thanks to Citykomi! With their app, residents can have the information they need about roadwork in their district.
All the participants in the different challenges presented their solution on June 12th during a special event named DemoDay in Paris City hall.
DataCity—Internal Demo Day
Following the public event, the companies that participated in the challenges alongside the startups were given the opportunity to organize within their organization an internal DemoDay. This internal event was intended to share the experience DataCity with employees. And this is what we did at Axway.
On July 3, we invited all our Parisian employees for a Lunch & Learn session to recreate the atmosphere of DataCity event. And it was quite a collaborative experience with over 150 internal participants.
Additionally, Axwegians at the event took place partners with which Axway introduced its participation, the startups and the other companies that were part of “our challenges.”
The event itself was held in two parts: the first part was dedicated to the DataCity concept itself. It started with a presentation from Paris City Hall, an introduction from Axway about participation in DataCity. All the startups recreated similar project restitution as they did during the live event they shared a video and commented their solution they proposed to provide an answer to the challenges, answered questions from Axwegians and shared the first outcomes and expected results.
The second part was more casual: each startup had a dedicated area where they met Axwegians, answered more specific questions and provided further details about the challenges and their teams.
We are proud to be a part of this year’s challenge and to work with such great up-and-coming tech startups. And the best part? This internal event was a joint effort and great collaboration between different teams and inter: R&D, Technical Success Team, Partner Marketing and internal Communication. For sure, a great to replicate in our upcoming initiatives!
Our motto is not chosen by chance, we are definitely better together.
Read all about Axway and DataCity a great innovation combo.