Beau’s among three Prescott-Russell businesses to receive federal innovation funds – The Review Newspaper

Glengarry-Prescott-Russell MP Francis Drouin has announced the investment of $200,000 in non-repayable contributions to three agricultural and processing businesses in Prescott-Russell.

The Eastern Ontario Rural Innovation Initiative, funded by FedDev Ontario and delivered by the Prescott-Russell Community Development Corporation (PRCDC), is providing RG Legault Seeds in St-Albert with $100,000, Ferme Avicole Laviolette in St-Isidore $50,000, and Beau’s All-Natural Brewing Ltd. in Vankleek Hill with $50,000.

These innovation funds will be used to support the commercialization, growth, and expansion of businesses through automation and innovation as well as the attraction and retention of jobs in the Prescott-Russell region.

Drouin said the funding will benefit the local agricultural community.

The federal government, through FedDev and PRCDC, is always there to support our businesses, and this investment is yet another example,” said Francis Drouin.

“One of the main priorities of the Prescott-Russell Community Development Corporation (PRCDC) is to ensure that the Prescott-Russell region is a destination of choice for businesses to invest and expand, in addition to creating jobs and ensuring economic prosperity” said PRCDC President Eric Drouin.

Funded by the Government of Canada through FedDev Ontario, the PRCDC’s mission is to ensure the economic prosperity of the Prescott-Russell region and to support businesses and entrepreneurs.  The PRCDC does this in both good and poor economic times through the creation, expansion, or maintenance of local businesses.