Blog – Issue #6 – Full-Stack product development- Human behaviour training – React + GreenSock

Issue #6 – Full-Stack product development- Human behaviour training – React + GreenSock
<1/> Concepts in Product Development
The gap between design and engineering has become smaller and smaller over time with the introduction of libraries, guides and systems that make building a product easier and more collaborative.
There are many options to choose from, from system ops to design language systems, etc. Using the right ones that allow you to build and scale out your products easier. Here is a list of that when users make up a product.
It’s fascinating how technology drives human behaviour. For UI/UX junkies, here’s an article on operant conditioning and the software bugs that result in the training.
Operant conditioning, that thing we do, like not pressing that “save” button too fast because it still needs to load the rest of your data. It goes more in-depth, why we do this and a few examples of this at play. But it is ultimately looking at it from a tester or designers point of view.
Here are three reasons, as pointed out in the post:
Although advancements in computing have eliminated this problem, this article written in 2012, is still so relevant and as builders its important to build and design bug-free software that works for all your users (regardless of age :).
<3/> Inside the console
Business culture has shifted to being able to work every and anywhere globally. Accessing and sharing files can get in the way of making your team fully collaborative. AWS Workdocs is a fully managed file storage and sharing service that allows teams to store, share and sync files.
This is important for collaboration and security and management of what could sometimes be sensitive organisation data by adding all the things that make AWS enterprise-friendly, like identity management, admin controls, etc.
<4/> Geeking it up
The newsletter has become prominent on AWS Cloud, which makes sense given that it’s most widely considered the top cloud company.