BongoHive to attend the Africa-Europe Innovation Partnership Launch event | BongoHive

BongoHive, Zambia’s first innovation and technology hub, has been selected as one of 10 tech Hubs across Africa to attend the 2019 Africa-Europe Innovation Partnership Project Launch event taking place in Kenya.

The Africa-Europe Innovation Partnership Project aims to foster innovation cooperation between Africa and Europe by building mutually beneficial partnerships and collaborations between incubators and accelerators from both continents as well as their start-up clientele.

The first event of this partnership will take place on the 12th – 13th September 2019 in Nairobi. Expected attendees include policy officials, innovation and business network representatives from both continents, about 21 tech hubs (incubators, accelerators etc.) working in energy, health and agriculture. Also expected are start-ups, project advisory board members – experts in the African, European start-up space and innovation ecosystem.

BongoHive will be attending the networking event alongside two of its promising startups, Agripredict and Musanga, to showcase their businesses to attendees. 

Agripredict is an agritech company that uses artificial intelligence to mitigate risk and disaster management in agriculture. Their tool helps farmers to manage risks such as droughts, pests and diseases that affect livestock and crops, leading to a loss of yields and investments. This tool helps farmers by providing them with updates on droughts and knowledge of plant diseases as well as providing them with treatment options.

Musanga is a company that aims to change the use of transportation using technology. It is a transportation marketplace that connects shippers looking for transportation options to drivers and riders offering that service on its platform. Musanga’s mission is to solve the problem of transporting goods from one place to another and create decent jobs and opportunities for young Africans.

More information about the Africa-Europe Innovation Partnership can be accessed here.