Boost for Borders as Innovation Park works begin | Scottish Borders Council
Contractors Ogilvie Construction started on the ambitious Borders Innovation Park in Tweedbank this week, which will see four sites developed initially as part of the first phase.
Work had originally been due to begin in March but was postponed until this month due to the COVID-19 lockdown, in line with the Scottish Government’s roadmap for the return of the construction industry.
Facts and figures
Who is funding the Borders Innovation Park?
We are funding the Borders Innovation Park alongside:
Innovation Park part of prospectus to create over 1.4k jobs
The Borders Innovation Park is a key component of the Tweedbank Masterplan, a transformational prospectus which has the potential to create over 1.4k jobs across various sectors. It includes a number of ambitious ideas to encourage people to live, learn, visit and work in the Borders, as well as attract inward investment through public and private sector funding.
A key proposal of the Masterplan was the creation of the Borders Innovation Park, following analysis which demonstrated a demand of new business space in the area.
Also part of the Tweedbank Masterplan is the creation of Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG), which has recently been consulted upon and will provide direction on the development of new residential and high quality business space within the village. This development is estimated to create a further 350 jobs and have the potential to generate GVA of £150m to the Borders economy.
Councillor Mark Rowley, Executive Member for Business and Economic Development
“We have experienced one of the most testing periods of time in living memory, with the local economy in the Borders being significantly impacted.
“As a result, seeing a major development such as the Borders Innovation Park now get underway is hugely welcome news.
“The Council recognises the potential of the Borders Railway for transforming our area’s economy by bringing new workers, homeowners, businesses and visitors to the region.
“The Borders Innovation Park will aim to capitalise on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at a site right beside the railway.
“We are confident the Park will deliver high quality, higher paid jobs for the Scottish Borders.”
Michael Matheson, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity
“As we look to our economic recovery, we are working with partners, to understand how best to move forward and respond to current circumstances. City Region Deals will be crucial to drive growth through projects that deliver significant and lasting benefits for individuals, businesses and communities across the country.
“Borders Innovation Park is a great example that builds on the huge success of the Borders Railway and I’m delighted to see it progressing.”
Donald MacDonald, Managing Director Ogilvie Construction
“We are delighted to start construction work in line with Scottish Government guidelines.
“We look forward to handing over a first class facility which is built to the highest standards and will play such a significant role in economic development for the Borders.”
More information
A Tweedbank Masterplan image is available at our Flickr page.