Business Tips – eOffice – Coworking, Office Design, Workplace Technology & Innovation

When it comes to fitting out a new office or workspace, choosing
the right window dressing is key. Rather than fussy curtains that get in the
way, collect…

As a professional, seeing employees come and go has always been part of the working experience. It’s tough to consider this as a good thing regardless of the…

When you work in an office, it can be easy to get so stuck into your work that you forget to have fun and make friendships with your colleagues. This is why…

Whether you have bought a new office or you are renovating your current one, you need to emphasize on the reception area of your office. You need that area to…

In an increasingly competitive global economy, company culture is receiving more attention than it has ever done. Importantly, positive company culture has…

Are Personalised Lanyards and Staff ID Cards the Easiest Way to Improve Staff Morale?
Any employees feeling undervalued and unappreciated can lead to a severe…

Choose the right venue and the rest of the event will fall into place. Well, maybe it’s not quite that straightforward but it is certainly the case that the…

There’s nothing like a bit of pressure to focus the mind and get stuff done, right? Stress is not a bad thing in itself. It can give you a sense of motivation…

For the most part, you operate the business out of a home office. Now and then, there’s the need to secure temporary office space for rent and maybe even a…

Back in the 1980s, when computers made their first meaningful forays into our lives, there was a quaint idea that they’d help us cut down on the amount of…

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