Can Empathy Be Leveraged To Boost Innovation In Business?

Can Empathy Be Leveraged To Boost Innovation In Business?

It is always fascinating to understand how empathy can be leveraged to boost innovation in business. Empathy or a higher EQ enables organizations to understand the needs, pain points, ambitions, and desires of their end-users. It empowers them to lead with a problem-solving approach and deliver human-centred solutions. In effect, empathy and innovation can be the two sides of a coin. It is always fascinating to understand how empathy can be leveraged to boost innovation in business. Empathy or a higher EQ enables organizations to understand the needs, pain points, ambitions, and desires of their end-users. It empowers them to lead with a problem-solving approach and deliver human-centred solutions. In effect, empathy and innovation can be the two sides of a coin.
Empathy needs to be at the core of innovation as it facilitates a culture of collaboration and teamwork and aids in anticipating customer behavioural changes in the future. A tool that, therefore, is critical for delivering exemplified customer experience and building the right culture, leading to excellent business results. Neurological studies indicate that women may be far more empathetic than men. They display empathy-related brain activity, are more proactive in participating in community service, and rank high on perspective-taking. These could be due to societal constructs that put greater emphasis on girls and young women understanding emotions, developing a nurturing personality, building relationships, and teaching them to focus on the process as that is far more important than the result or the outcome. Navigating Tech-Driven Era With Innovation And Empathy Navigating Tech-Driven Era With Innovation And Empathy
Technology adoption has become widespread, cutting across every sector and business. It has brought with it the need to understand the multitude of customer personas and the intrinsic needs for customization. Technology is no longer one size fits all. Curating personalized experiences has become essential and therefore human-centric designs must power technology solutions. Innovation with empathy consequently will be the fulcrum of business transformation. It makes a great business case and a fantastic opportunity for organizations to induct more women into critical roles across their technology teams. Organizational responsibility extends beyond onboarding women in technology. Women face several challenges at the workplace and need to strike a healthy balance and prioritize work and family as needed. Organizations need to give them the necessary support to boost their careers and encourage them to be role models. Progressive organisations can focus on the following to empower and encourage women technology professionals to succeed and thrive A. Create a robust mentoring platform for women in technology to leverage the experience of existing leaders. Encourage them to find mentors within the organization and across the industry. It helps women expand their horizons across technology, business, domain, and leadership. B. Address unconscious and sub-conscious biases in the system. Build ways to encourage women to call out the elephant in the room boldly and without fear. Ensure that women experience both physical and physiological safety at the workplace. C. Build policies that allow women flexibility at work. Women need time off to manage their children, take care of older people and manage the household. Ideally, they would want to do all these without compromising on their careers. They want to have the comfort that they can still live their career dreams. A policy framework that allows for flexible work arrangements is therefore necessary for a thriving organization. Part-time working, returning after a break (even long), and hybrid work options are some of the few ways in which women can balance their priorities. D. Design experiential learning programs that focus on technology innovation and softer aspects necessary for grooming future women leaders. This will ensure that women are more confident to chart their progress and grow in the organization. E. Invest in a suitable culture fabric. Ensure that the principles of DEI&B are prevalent and practised in the organization. It needs to be visible and prevalent. Advocating equality and equitability is fundamental. Ensure there is zero bias on performance and pay parity. Celebrate achievements and create women role models. F. Provide opportunities to encourage compassion and kindness. Women will find deep resonance in such a culture that involves developing and nurturing different relationships. I could list several examples of doing so. Engaging the more extensive associate base in community service. It allows us to understand different perspectives, experience other’s challenges, and generate thoughts to make changes. Practice active listening. Showcase the need to understand the emotions and thoughts of others around you. Cultivate the art of asking questions as a tool to learn and encourage curiosity. Launch a book club. Inspire the leaders to showcase vulnerability. Encourage industry event participation for the women in the organization. A perfect blend of empathy and innovation is a pivotal factor for business success. Women bring a unique perspective and approach to leadership that can propel positive change. By actively supporting and empowering women in the tech industry, companies can tap into this untapped potential and drive more significant innovation. It is vital to create an environment where women feel valued, supported, and empowered to take on leadership roles and make a meaningful impact in the tech industry. Authored by Sheenam Ohrie, Managing Director at Broadridge Financial Solutions, India