
On epigenetics and seed innovation

March 4, 2019|0 Comments

What exactly is epigenetics? Nathan Springer: Epigenetics refers to natural mechanisms that affect the way genes work. These are differences in living organisms that can be [...]

The Architecture of Innovation

March 4, 2019|0 Comments

Architecture is a fine balance of creativity and reality. That is, Architects must be creative within the constraints which they live. Applying that concept to building an [...]

Innovation At Its Best

March 4, 2019|0 Comments

In the wee hours of the morning on Feb. 2, the Island Trees Jr. Robodawgs, led by Mr. Groneman and Mr. Norton, loaded themselves onto a bus to head over to Huntington High [...]

Design. Technology. Cool shit.

March 4, 2019|0 Comments

Last week I traveled to Amsterdam to attend FITC conference 2019. I got inspired both by the city and the conference, and want to share some themes I encountered there. As a [...]
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