Challenge Statement for Innovation & Growth | The Big Bang Partnership

Whether you are an innovator, entrepreneur or facilitator, starting off with a challenge statement helps you to focus.

In my video I cover:

– What is a challenge statement, and how it can help with innovation and business growth.

– Why questions are great for problem-solving and innovation.

– The characteristics of a great challenge, and different types of innovation problem – i.e..tame, wicked, messy problems.

– The 4 ingredients of a great challenge statement.

– A 4 step process for creating a great challenge statement.

– The importance of getting info, insights and data together before moving straight to idea generation, including a great template to use.

– How to use the ‘problem family tree’ method for deconstructing challenges and generating ideas.

If you’d like to download the slide deck that supports this article for free, you’ll find it here.