Clinical Trials & Tech: Innovation Starts with Inclusion

Innovation in technology has changed the game in clinical trials, but what has innovation done to enable inclusion? Research has shown that people of color are just as willing to enroll in clinical trials as their white counterparts, but they remain excluded because access is relegated to those with wealth and privilege. So, what can technology do to bring these opportunities to marginalized groups? How can we use technology to close the gap between wanting to participate and actually having the access to do so?

Join us as we bring together some of the biggest names in tech and health activism to discuss the real-world implications of noninclusive clinical trials and how we can use tech to close the gap.

Panel Participants: 

  • Moderator: Marc Iskowitz, Executive Editor, MM+M 
  • Dr Sommer Bazuro, Chief Medical Officer, FCB Health New York 
  • Dr Ivor Horn, Director, Health Equity & Social Determinants of Health, Google 
  • Ricki Fairley, CEO, TOUCH: The Black Breast Cancer Alliance

#ClinicalEquality Sessions LIVE is a series of conversations around the looming issue of unequal racial representation in clinical trials.

Each LIVE panel will feature a collaboration between IPG Health and MM+M. Doctors, patient advocates, researchers, pharma marketers, tech specialists, and activists will come together to reveal the little-known facts about this problem, discuss its implications for all of us, and identify solutions for how to drive meaningful change.

Series Objectives:

  • Take the issue out of the clinical space
  • Use education to illustrate its significance
  • Define the role of stakeholders: to empower and create accountability
  • Push for legislative action, but also advocate for corporate commitment to change

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