Commanders Act announces the launch of a new innovation cycle
In response to the changes sweeping the digital ecosystem and customers’ expectations for managing and using data, a technological transformation is required to ensure a seamless digital marketing service.
Paris, 15 March 2022 – Commanders Act, the publisher of a cookieless marketing platform, takes a look back over the last 10 years and goes on record as announcing that 2022 will be a game-changer for innovation in the data market. The waves of transformations that have successively hit the digital landscape, especially tighter regulations and practices governing data collection and use, have ushered in a new set of challenges and requirements for organisations. Aware of the major impact that these recent changes have had on marketing campaign performance and continuity, and the growing number of organisations clamouring for increasingly sophisticated solutions and technological convergence, Commanders Act is currently launching a new innovation cycle by using a new platform to provide its customers with the ability to take back control of their campaigns and nurture those campaigns with enriched and transformed data to create even greater value.
Ad blockers, cookies, consent… how the last 10 years have shaken up the digital ecosystem
Ever since its inception in 2010, Commanders Act has always been focused on its mission of putting business teams back in the data driving seat, so that they can acquire the independence required to ramp up their performance. For nearly 10 years, the company has been supporting its customers in growing their digital maturity by delivering the expertise and solutions that they need to bring greater structure to their campaigns, define and roll out an effective tag management strategy, raise the agility bar and supercharge their performance.
Although data have reinforced their reputation in recent years as a key driving force for superior performance, new constraints have also emerged for collecting and using those data. The digital ecosystem has been significantly weakened by the advent of ad blockers, the declared war on third-party cookies in browsers and obviously the GDPR and new consent collection rules.
“Back in 2010, we had plenty of data, but we didn’t know how to use them effectively; now we know how to use those data, but their volume is shrinking,” explains Michael Froment, CEO and Co-Founder of Commanders Act. “However, data control is always the key to business performance. The question now being asked is how can marketing teams ensure continuous digital marketing in a cookieless environment shackled by an increasingly stringent set of requirements.”
Converge strategies and technologies to address the new challenges facing the market
Their accelerated digitisation combined with the transformation of their market has spawned a new range of requirements from European organisations. Questions relating to data governance, private data protection, team agility and the impact on the user experience have now become critical topics.
“These topics already existed some 10 years ago, but they have since come to the fore, especially for kick-starting growth after the two-year health crisis,” advises Michael Froment. “Organisations have improved their level of digital maturity. The business, IT and legal teams used to be at loggerheads, but now it has dawned on them that they need to converge their objectives, strategies and tools.”
Organisations require a consistent, standardised and more effective technology strategy, so that their business teams can collect and control even more data, while aligning their efforts with the real issues and constraints facing the IT and legal teams, with the aim of boosting the performance of their digital campaigns and ultimately improving their business results.
In 2022, Commanders Act is changing its game plan and launching a new technological innovation cycle
This retrospective and introspective analysis has prompted Commanders Act to overhaul its range of services. “We’ve made the most of the last two years to take a step back, listen to our customers, understand their new expectations and think about how we can best respond to those needs,” explains Michael Froment. The result is a new technology platform where all of Commanders Act’s expertise will converge.
“Our areas of expertise and our functional scope remain the same as in 2010, but we are transforming them to reflect the new technologies, the new market standards and the changes shaping the ecosystem,” adds Michael Froment. “This new platform heralds the start of a new growth and innovation cycle that builds on the trends in the market and changes in our customers’ needs, and which offers new opportunities for collecting and enriching data with the objective of wringing even greater business value out of those data. It may be a disruptive technology, but it still remains true to our promise.”
This change in approach has also led to a change in visual identity, which reflects both the new technology platform spearheaded by Commanders Act and the continuity in the expertise and values championed by the company since its creation. With its new style guide, revamped logo and new website, Commanders Act is going for a more modern identity that conveys the cohesion, innovation, performance and intelligence that have come to define the brand and which have been the driving force behind its growth and success for more than 10 years.
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