Community Innovation Grants

The Foundation hopes to build a supportive relationship with Community Innovation grantees by:

Working Together

We’ll create a grant agreement based on your proposal, including an agreed upon timeline for the project and use of funds.

We’ll be responsive and direct in our communication with you, and will be available to you throughout your grant term. We hope to build a relationship that is supportive when you want us to be, without being in your way. We want you to be able to focus on what you do best.

Learning and Evaluation

We want to know if we’re making a difference, and will ask you to participate in our evaluation of the Community Innovation grant program. We will use what we learn together to improve this grant program over time.

We will ask you to share key lessons learned (successes as well as challenges) during our meetings and as part of your interim and final grant reports. Portions of these reports will be shared publicly at Community Innovation Learning Logs.

We acknowledge that not all grant projects will lead to a community innovation. And, in fact, sometimes the path to an innovation includes unexpected or undesirable outcomes. Learning from these moments is an important part of creating new community solutions, and we look forward to doing that with you.  

We’ll invite you to participate in Foundation-sponsored events for grantees to meet one another, share the stories of your work and learn together.

Sharing Your Story

We want to publicly recognize the good work that grantees are doing. We will ask you to provide basic content about your organization and project for our grant recipient database.

We may request that you share periodic, informal updates for the Bush Foundation to use in online media promotions.