Community Innovation resource centre – GlobalGiving

The project will build a community resource centre equipped with internet, radio and television were the community access current information from their local area and around the world on agriculture and food security, environmental awareness and sustainability, climate change adaptation, marketing and marketing skills, education , health and land rights. With in the radius of 50kilo meters of Kikandwa there is no resource or internet centre of any kind were the community access information

Within the radius of 50 kilometers of Kikandwa, there is no Resource or Internet Centre of any kind. Currently, Kikandwa residents have to travel 3.5 hours by bus to the Capital city of Kampala to access internet services,lack of any available computers for more than 9000 residents in Kikandwa make the exchange of knowledge,information sharing and dissemination extremely difficult and a barrier to development,farmers,school institutions,civil servants,extension staff and residents will benefit


The Resource centre will provide a place where information and knowledge can be easily accessed,shared by the community and also be empowered to use essential social media tools such as; internet,television, radio,news paper and phones which can help farmers to grow and manage their crops and animals,the community will gain knowledge to come out of poverty, the costs to access and deseminate information will become very low hence improving peoples’ livelihood and income

Long-Term Impact

The potential long term impact of this Resource centre are huge. un access to up–date information is a big barrier to development. The easy,affordable access to information can transform peoples livelihood and help speed up development in the area.The centre will provide computer training services that will improve the computer literacy of the Kikandwa community which is currently very low. the centre will be avaible to many people due to easy accecibity on one of the main roads in Uganda