Cornwall Innovation Centre re-brand CREATEs optimism, doubts | Cornwall Standard Freeholder

Here are some takeaways from the re-launch on Friday, Oct. 25, of the Cornwall Innovation Centre— make that the Cornwall and Region Entrepreneurs Artists and Technologists Exchange.

Someone brighter than I will have to explain what a technologist is, but if the effort was to move away from ill-defined buzzwords like innovation, I’m not sure the use of both technologist and exchange in the centre’s new name is the strongest start.

That said, CREATE’s re-brand and re-launch continues to tease us with peeks at what could be a successful formula for an organization that helps attract and foster new businesses within our region.

As this publication has shown, the first two years of this centre’s existence also had moments of brilliance, though for the most part its history has been defined by failure and stagnation.

What is different, heading into year three and four?

First, we see the much more active involvement of CREATE’s board of directors and the organizations they represent. The Cornwall and the Counties Community Futures Development Corp., and the Eastern Ontario Training Board, have been front and centre on anything involving the direction of CREATE in these past few months.

Putting their money where their mouths are, they’ve also agreed to move their offices from Second Street and Water Street into the same space as CREATE at the Cotton Mills. That, along with other co-tenants, should help CREATE float its rent there more effectively than it could at the Nav Centre. If only the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre had joined in the fun, then CREATE could really be a one-stop shop to anyone seeking assistance with a startup.

Another comfort, perhaps, is executive director Eric Bergeron’s goal to wean CREATE off the public teat within the next two years. Council should pencil that date into its calendar, and make good on the goal. If CREATE hasn’t raised enough revenues from other sources to no longer need Cornwall’s $50,000 a year, it should be time to wind it down after investing $200,000.

The membership model proposed sounds interesting, but its key will be its price point. Too high and it dies.

As for buzzwords? Co-working remains. Makerspace persists, with the consultant involved already saying it’ll require double what was announced on Friday to make it work. Potential duplication is a word being avoided.

The centre was never going to be an overnight success, and we should remain patient as it tries different ways to reach it.

Creating a friendlier environment for new businesses takes more than a name.