Corporate Governance, Innovation And The Iowa Caucus App Debacle

Technology is often designed to “disrupt” established processes for the better – but not so for the … [+] Iowa caucus.

The smartphone app failure at the heart of the recent Iowa Caucus debacle offers some important, if not immediately obvious, governance lessons for companies involved in digital technology and innovation life cycles. Ultimately, the app failure is a reminder of why the board should exercise close oversight of corporate innovation initiatives, and how that oversight can be exercised.

The technology embodied in the smartphone app was intended to enhance the reporting of caucus results to the Iowa Democratic Party, and was part of a broad based effort to incorporate digital technology into the election campaign process. But according to widespread media coverage, the smartphone app proved too difficult to download and install, and appeared prone to security concerns.

Ultimately, only 25% of the precinct chairs were reportedly able to use the app to report results, with an attendant impact on the credibility of the complex but traditional caucus process. Technology is often designed to “disrupt” established processes – but not necessarily in this manner.

The smartphone app failure looks to have been the byproduct of a confluence of unfortunate events. The nature of the political campaign process created time pressures that may have significantly hindered the design and implementation process. The company that created the app, Shadow, Inc., was the successor to a financially distressed enterprise whose main technology did not achieve market acceptance. The app’s installation process was complicated and its backup system wasn’t intended to be a complete backup. The company’s technical staff lacked experience and critical expertise. Questions arose regarding its funding sources. Plenty of warning signs, if seen through a 20/20 lens.

In some respects and on a smaller scale, Shadow’s problems resemble the alleged red flags that arose in the Theranos controversy. In the Theranos case there were multiple design flaws, a rush to production, reluctance of technical experts to invest and an emphasis on secrecy in the development process that ultimately facilitated a lack of transparency. In addition, there were other allegations of ineffective governance and executive malfeasance. But, more broadly, the Shadow app failure offers another important reminder of the risks that can arise from a poorly conceived innovation design/investment process. Given the scope of corporate commitment to innovation initiatives across the commercial landscape, it’s a particularly timely reminder as well.

For that reason, the Shadow controversy provides a useful teaching moment regarding the relationship between the development or acquisition of innovative technology, and board oversight of enterprise risks. Shadow, Inc., Theranos and similar controversies suggest that the introduction of innovative technologies into mainstream commerce can present unique risks to the company if not properly monitored by leadership.

This is not to suggest that the pursuit of digital technology in all of its permutations presents such inherent risks that companies should approach it with particular caution. Not in the slightest—sophisticated application of information technology and other digital tools is critical to the success of business models across industry sectors. Indeed, fiduciary principles support informed board risk taking. Rather, Shadow is the latest high-profile example of why boards should hone that “informed” status as it applies to innovation. Indeed, the Shadow controversy provides useful examples of how boards should approach their evaluation of, and interaction with management on, innovation initiatives. And that approach can proceed on a number of levels.

At a high level is an understanding between board and management of the board’s role with respect to innovation activity. This extends not only to an appreciation by the executive team of why the board is expected to monitor innovation related risks, but also to an understanding that the board will not usurp the executives’ role in managing those risks on a day-to-day basis. Everyone has a specific role to play here, but everyone also recognizes—as Shadow and Theranos demonstrate—that the risk of getting it wrong can be catastrophic.

Closer to the ground are factors that the board may apply to monitor innovation-related risk, whether the company is developing innovative technology or acquiring it. The Shadow, Inc. experience provides a useful checklist from which boards may evaluate innovation proposals. These include:

·      Business planning (Is the product designed for its intended use?)

·      Personnel (e.g., Is there sufficient management and employee level technical expertise?)

·      Development schedule (e.g., Has adequate time been allocated or was the roll out rushed?)

·      Evaluation (What testing has been conducted? Have regulatory approvals been received?) (What is the background and operating history of the vendor/supplier/developers?)

·      Implementation (Is sufficient technical support available?)

·      Bias (Is the development/acquisition process free of conflict?)

·      Board/committee composition (Is there enough technical expertise available to support oversight?)

A recent opinion in The New York Times attributed the Shadow app failure in part to “the overarching belief that software will fix everything; a belief that leads to slapdash engineering, procurement and deployment.” It is true that from a commercial perspective, digital and similar technology is the latest “shiny penny”—and for very good and important reasons. But it is also true that if done in a “slapdash” manner, technology—just like more basic forms of machinery—can fail (and sometimes with enormous consequences).

So the governance lesson from the Iowa Caucus chaos is that boards have a role to play here. That improperly applied technology can be an enterprise risk. That the risks (as well as opportunities) are real. And that directors need to be positioned to perform their oversight role effectively, teaming with management. All for the purpose of making informed decisions on the company’s commitment to technology.