Council Post: Innovation Comes By Listening, Not Seeing

“The introduction of something new” or “a new idea, method or device” is how the dictionary by Merriam-Webster defines innovation. No matter how we define it, I’m sure we all can agree that innovation disrupts the norm, introduces something so different that we are incapable of going back to the way it used to be.

Do you remember when there were no cell phones? I was in high school when it appeared that the world could no longer wait to get home to receive or return a call. I couldn’t understand it, and being the late majority, I refused to own one. What was the big deal? Leave a voicemail on my parents’ phone at home, and I’ll call you back.

Today, I am not sure what I would do without my extra appendage known as my mobile device. The smarter they become, the more my pre-cell phone memory fades. The introduction of this invention has made most of us completely forget about the landline before time.

The tremendous power an innovation possesses, at times fiddles with our memories in another way. We seem only to coin a thing innovative when the impact appears to create waves that turn the entire world upside down.

Innovations Don’t Have To Be Industry-Shaking 

However, isn’t it still innovative when that something new turns our personal or smaller-scale world topsy-turvy? I worked for a successful nonprofit early on in my career. Its community is human resources (HR) professionals who earn the various professional certifications offered by the nonprofit. The certifications must be renewed every three years to be deemed up to date.

The organization was great at bringing in new candidates to purchase and take the exam needed to earn the certification but was less so at keeping its certified HR professionals’ status current. The recertification also involves a fee and is a measure of the nonprofit’s retention rate. Upon my arrival at the company, the average retention, or what we call the recertification rate, was about 73-74%. For almost 30 years, this was the norm, and we chopped it up to “the way things” are in the certification line of business.

After being with the organization for two and a half years, a new marketing sheriff came into town and placed a challenge before me. He asked me to own the retention marketing arm of the nonprofit and to build out a strategy that would increase our recertification rate.

I pleaded and begged and even tried to bribe my way out of this request. For almost three years, all I had seen and known of our ability to retain our current customers was a rate that he was now asking me to increase magically. My refusal did not sway him one bit. He was convinced that I was the woman for the job.

I had to remind myself that sight is limiting. My eyes could not be the only determining factor used to decipher theory from reality. I had to prepare for a future that most were not used to seeing. I spent a year analyzing every touch point this nonprofit had with its certificants. I talked to every employee whose role involved recertification. I sat on customer service calls to listen to every conversation where recertification was mentioned. I traveled to events to have face-to-face conversations with our certified community.

In this process, I uncovered two significant discoveries: what our customer pain points were and where we failed to meet them. For every hurdle our customers faced, I built a strategy to eliminate it. This gave us a retention marketing program that allowed us to experience something new. The first year the plan was in place, our retention rate soared to 84%. In year two, let’s just say the organization threw a party. Our recertification rate toppled 95%.

Lead Your Team To Innovate

Innovation came knocking on our door. We answered and let it in. Our minds were once persuaded that we were doing all we could do — that there was no more to strive toward. It’s a perception conjured up only by the limitation of knowledge and sight. In fact, you may be standing in the middle of your own disruption.

You see, leaders who spend time analyzing not just the work but the workforce are often better prepared to drive innovation. Instead of allowing your team members to continue to agree with their surroundings, you have the ability to nudge them into a new perspective.

Each of your team members has their own strengths. And their strengths, of course, are often where they succeed, what they love most about their roles. Work on matching their strengths with organizational weaknesses. Innovation ignites when their individual intensity comes to a head with an unfilled company need.

Change for the better, change for the good — that’s innovation. Our lives and world experience innovation when made greater in ways we could not see or imagine. The key is to show others where they have the power to make change happen, no matter how big or small.

Innovation was never meant to hold us back, but to push us forward. Please close your eyes. Open your mind and then your ears. There is always room to experience something new so different that there’s no going back.

Here’s the key: We must listen for that moment to come and listen to those most impacted by what we do. Now, go innovate on any size scale!

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