Defensores de la Democracia wins Council of Europe’s Democracy Innovation Award

Wikipedia Day! January 14, 2024. On January 14, 2024, join Wikimedia New York City for a celebration of  Wikipedia Day  — this year marking the online encyclopedia’s 23rd anniversary. Co-hosted by Columbia Journalism School’s Brown Institute for Media Innovation, the day-long event will focus on artificial intelligence, journalism and the future of the Wikimedia movement. We are planning a variety of programming for audiences of all levels — two tracks with panels, speakers and discussions; a hands-on Playpen; and a one-of-a-kind Wikipedia-themed birthday cake. This event will provide a comprehensive exploration of the intersection of Wikipedia, journalism and AI, delving into positive and negative aspects of this evolving relationship. Everyone is invited, and no Wikipedia experience is required — seasoned Wikipedians will be on hand to guide folks new to editing the site. We will serve networking coffee, an educational breakfast, a learning lunch and, of course, a special WikiCake.