Developing a Sustainability Measurement for Innovation Performance for the Food Industry

Developing a Sustainability Measurement for Innovation Performance for the Food Industry

Developing a Sustainability Measurement for Innovation Performance for the Food Industry 1 2 3 4 * Sustainability 2023 , 15 (24), 16714; (registering DOI) Abstract : 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 2.1. Innovation Management and Sustainability 2.2. Sustainabiilty in the Food Industry 3. Research Methods 3.1. Study Design and Questionnaire Development 3.2. Sampling and Data Collection 3.3. Analyses 4. Results 4.1. Normality of Distributions 4.2. Measurement Model Assessment of the Innovation Management Performance for Food Manufacturing 2 represents the information that the provided measure is explained by the variable. Then, 1-R 2 , which represents proportions of unexplained variation, represents standardized estimates for measurement errors. 5. Discussion and Implications 6. 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[50,51,52,53,54] Waste management Reduce or manage waste. [50,51,52,53,54] Energy efficiency Efficiently use energy in production and reduce the use of non-renewable energy. [50,51,52,53,54] Efficiency of material consumption and eco-friendly material Use eco-friendly materials and have efficient material consumption, and select suppliers that operate with the same environmental consciousness. [50,52,53,54] Air pollution Reduce air pollution. [50,52] Biodiversity Support biodiversity, such as by not causing pollution or invasion of weeds or pests, having no effect on housing, nor changing the ecosystem. [50] Social sustainability Product safety Increase product safety and take responsibility for the health and safety of customers. [50,51,52,53,54] Labelling Label information about products and services about raw materials and nutrients to customers. [50,52] Employee’s health and safety Employees are healthy and safety. [50,52,53,54] Career development Provide employees with career development opportunities, such as training and career advice. [50,51,52,53] Human rights and laws Provide employment stability, equal opportunity, and consider human rights and other laws. [50,52,53] Workplace accidents Reduce workplace accidents involving employees. [54] Accidents related to environment Reduce accidents related to the environment and reduce the company’s environmental penalties. [54] Economic and environmental effects at the social level Impact to economic and environment at the social level, such as the creation of socially beneficial products and community-supporting operations. [50,52,53] Corruption Reduce corruption. [50] Public policy Align with public policy. [50] Goodness of Fit Level of Acceptable Fit Chi square/Degree of Freedom (/df) <5.0 Comparative fit index (CFI) >0.90 Incremental fit index (IFI) >0.90 Tucker–Lewis index (TLI) >0.90 Goodness-of-fit index (GFI) >0.90 Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) <0.08 Dimension Performance of Product Innovation Management for Food Manufacturing Mean SD Skew Kurtosis Economic sustainability EC1: Increase economic value, such as increasing income or reducing expenses. 6.16 0.88 −0.92 1.05 EC2: Increase the organization’s financial stability and health. 6.27 0.79 −0.79 −0.14 EC3: Increase trade opportunity. 6.30 0.80 −1.02 0.94 EC4: Trace back through the production process to improve production efficiency, such as reducing raw materials used and reducing innovation development time. 6.06 0.89 −0.66 −0.17 Environment sustainability ES1: Reduce the consumption of water and chemicals. 6.13 0.95 −1.12 1.93 ES2: Reduce or manage waste. 6.32 0.81 −1.19 1.88 ES3: Efficiently use energy in production and reduce the use of non-renewable energy. 6.14 0.94 −0.99 0.83 ES4: Use eco-friendly materials and have efficient material consumption, and select suppliers that operate with the same environmental consciousness. 6.11 0.93 −0.69 −0.45 ES5: Reduce air pollution. 6.29 0.85 −1.13 0.95 ES6: Support biodiversity, such as by not causing pollution or invasion of weeds or pests, having no effect on housing, nor changing the ecosystem. 6.09 0.90 −0.68 −0.30 Social sustainability SS1: Increase product safety and take responsibility for the health and safety of customers. 6.35 0.81 −1.08 0.58 SS2: Label information about products and services about raw materials and nutrients to customers. 6.17 0.88 −0.93 0.86 SS3: Employees are healthy and safety. 6.36 0.80 −1.44 3.28 SS4: Provide employees with career development opportunities, such as training and career advice. 6.06 0.88 −0.63 −0.01 SS5: Reduce accidents related to the environment and reduce the company’s environmental penalties. 6.19 0.93 −1.14 1.44 SS6: Impact to economic and environment at the social level, such as the creation of socially beneficial products and community-supporting operations. 6.10 0.96 −0.83 0.05 Construct Items Standardized Loadings Standard Error t-Value R 2 Economic sustainability EC1 0.752 a 0.602 EC2 0.824 0.062 16.097 0.539 EC3 0.794 0.062 15.420 0.723 EC4 0.776 0.070 15.026 0.695 Environment sustainability ES1 0.734 a 0.656 ES2 0.850 0.060 16.294 0.661 ES3 0.834 0.070 15.947 0.645 ES4 0.810 0.069 15.460 0.656 ES5 0.813 0.063 15.516 0.688 ES6 0.803 0.067 15.316 0.584 Social sustainability SS1 0.810 a 0.494 SS2 0.830 0.061 18.346 0.543 SS3 0.764 0.057 16.345 0.649 SS4 0.703 0.064 14.616 0.936 SS5 0.737 0.067 15.554 0.909 SS6 0.806 0.067 17.597 0.986 a The corresponding parameter has been set equal to 1 (unstandardized) to fix the measurement scale. Table 5. Goodness-of-fit indices for CFA of innovation management performance for food manufacturing. Goodness-of-Fit Measure Criterion Model Result Chi square () 222.970 Degree of Freedom (df) 101 /df <5.0 2.208 Good fit CFI >0.90 0.971 Good fit IFI >0.90 0.972 Good fit TLI >0.90 0.966 Good fit GFI >0.90 0.928 Good fit RMSEA <0.08 0.058 Good fit Disclaimer/Publisher’s Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content. © 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( Share and Cite MDPI and ACS Style Leesatapornwongsa, F.; Thawesaengskulthai, N.; Vaiyavuth, R. Developing a Sustainability Measurement for Innovation Performance for the Food Industry. Sustainability 2023 , 15 , 16714. AMA Style Leesatapornwongsa F, Thawesaengskulthai N, Vaiyavuth R. Developing a Sustainability Measurement for Innovation Performance for the Food Industry. Sustainability . 2023; 15(24):16714. Chicago/Turabian Style Leesatapornwongsa, Fontip, Natcha Thawesaengskulthai, and Ronnakorn Vaiyavuth. 2023. "Developing a Sustainability Measurement for Innovation Performance for the Food Industry" Sustainability 15, no. 24: 16714.