Dr. Bronston on single-payer. Boeing, profit, safety, & innovation. Progressive Agenda 2nd term.

Dr. William Bronston has a message for the single-payer movement. Boeing chose profit over innovation and safety. The Congressional Progressive Caucus Proposition Agenda Executive Summary is out! Dr. Bronston on single-payer. Podcasts (Video — Audio) Politics Done Right Live weekdays @ 3:00 PM Central Live Calls: (281)823-7747 Congressional Progressives Unveil ‘Bold’ Agenda for Second Biden Term: The Congressional Progressive Caucus says its legislative blueprint for 2025 and beyond aims to “deliver equality, justice, and economic security for working people.” [ More ] Dr. William Bronston is on a mission to expand the pathway to a single-payer healthcare system: Dr. William Bronston, a healthcare activist/organizer, has an all-encompassing message for the single-payer movement. It is time for healthcare as a right with universal coverage. [ More ] Boeing illustrates that defending corporations seeking profit distribution over innovation & safety is a danger: Today, I covered the Boeing saga on my “Politics Done Right” program. I have been stating for some time that our economic system is designed for the profit of the few, the oligarchy, and its benefactors. Profits, bonuses, and shareholder value trump public safety, investment in innovation, and much more in the airline industry and many other corporations. [ More ] Podcasts: Politics Done Right | Egberto Off The Record Live Video: Youtube Live | Facebook Live | Twitter | Twitch You can get Politics Done Right Mondays through Fridays on Facebook Live at facebook.com/politicsdoneright or on YouTube Live at youtube.com/egbertowillies/join. Please do not forget to follow me on Twitter for updates. My handle is @EgbertoWillies . If you like what we do, please do the following! Most Independent Progressive outlets continue to struggle to raise the funds they need to operate, much like the smaller outlets like Politics Done Right. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel here . LIKE our Facebook Page here . Share our blogs, podcasts, and videos. Become a Politics Done Right Subscriber via Patreon here . Become a Politics Done Right Subscriber via Facebook here . Consider contributing here . Please consider supporting our GoFundMe equipment fund here . We work extremely hard to research and seed the internet with truthful, fact-based information to counter the misinformation from the Right and others who would have us vote against our interests. Corporations and billionaires ensure the Right-Wing & MAGA are well funded. We have you, our grassroots. Please support our work today. Make a one-time donation Make a monthly donation Make a yearly donation Choose an amount Or enter a custom amount Your contribution is appreciated. Your contribution is appreciated. Your contribution is appreciated. DonateDonate monthlyDonate yearly Check out my books on our economic fraud, the necessity to engage the other side, and the creation of a real economy that serves us all. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to help us get to 100,000 subscribers. Help us deliver the progressive message widely by joining our YouTube channel . SET YOUR REMINDER: Watch/listen/engage in the civil discourse on these and many issues at Politics Done Right daily (3 PM CT/4 PM ET/1 PM PT/2 PM MT). Podcasts (Video — Audio).