Economic Times innovation award for enTransact platform

Economic Times innovation award for enTransact platform
September 25, 2018
Taxilla, which powers the enTransact platform, was recognised for its innovation towards Finance Transformation and for being a disruptor in the BFSI segment. The team at Taxilla envisions to be the ‘Salesforce’ of Enterprise Fintech and RegTech segment. It is hoped (and not without cause) that Taxilla will go on to procure many such awards and recognition and be a name to be reckoned with in the Fintech & RegTech sector.
Taxilla has been incorporated as a Delaware company, USA in October 2015 & has a fully owned subsidiary Taxilla It Solutions Pvt. Ltd in India as of July 2018.
Taxilla is a comprehensive data qualification platform to power precision FinTech, RegTech & SupTech Applications towards Digital Transformation.
Economic Times organized the First edition of the Economic Times BFSI Innovation Tribe 2018 conference at Sahara Star, Mumbai.
The theme of the conference was “Disrupt, Develop and Demonstrate” and it brought leaders from the innovation and banking sectors under one platform.
The objective was to discuss and deliberate the future in these challenging times.
About enTransact
enTransact is your one stop solution that takes you seamlessly from e-invoice to e-way bill. It offers robust and reliable invoice exchange with e way bill management. enTransact offers options to integrate with any standard source systems. What makes enTransact your best option for e way bill management is that, all the updates (ever changing from government) are taken care in the cloud application. In addition, you can on-board your business partners –transporters/consignors/consignees on to this application and extend interface to them wherever and whenever required. Generate e Way Bill for free starting today.