EPISODE 280: Kingdom Innovation for a Brave New World with Doug Paul (Part Two) | Twelve:Thirty Media

Show Notes:

On this week’s episode of the show, we continue our conversation with author and innovator Doug Paul. Doug is the author of Kingdom Innovation for a Brave New World. If you missed Part One of our series with Doug, feel free to jump back to last week’s episode of the show to get caught up.

We’ll talk with Doug about what the church looked like PRE COVID and what it can look like now.

Today we’ll focus on where where the church is headed and how we can innovate, to reach people with the Gospel.

Doug is the author of Ready or Not: Kingdom Innovation for a Brave New World. In this interview, we’ll talk about his 5 phases of Kingdom Innovation.

The 5 Phases of Kingdom Innovation
Identification We must locate the big idea and frame the problem we’re trying to solve.
Ideation We must generate whole new practices, concepts, and ways of thinking if we’re going
to solve our innovation challenge.
Experimentation We launch, test, adjust, and relaunch the innovation until the prototype we
are testing achieves the measured goals set out.
Mobilization Once our prototype has seen breakthrough, we need to know why and how it
worked so that we can mobilize many to multiply it.
Multiplication Make the innovation scalable, removing as many barriers as possible, for as
many people as possible, so we can invite them all into a brand new breakthrough.

New faith based movie coming out Spring ’21 – MY BROTHER’S KEEPER. The story of a returning war veteran struggling with PTSD and readjusting to life back home. With a new found faith on the line, and the help of some friends, this hero is faced with some tough decisions.

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Follow: Carl Barnhill | [email protected] |     

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