Ethio-Germany Energy Partnership Innovation Competition launched – Welcome to Fana Broadcasting Corporate S.C

Addis Ababa, August 2, 2020 (FBC) – Ethiopian Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy in cooperation with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy launched an Energy Partnership innovation competition under the theme “Decentralized Energy Solutions for Ethiopia”.

The launch of the competition held through virtual technology involving senior officials from Ethiopia and Germany, Operators of the private sector and innovators, according to the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy.

The competition that invites Ethiopian students and researchers is aimed to help assist the efforts the government has been exerting to expand access of electricity and address power demand in rural areas.

The competition stipulates competing innovative works to be carbon free and affordable at the market.

The Ethiopian-German Energy Cooperation and Innovation Competition on was started in November, 2019 after the signing of an agreement between the two countries.