Exertis ProAV Germany: Spearheading the Future of Workspaces with Joan Innovation Award 2024

Exertis ProAV Germany: Spearheading the Future of Workspaces with Joan Innovation Award 2024

Exertis ProAV recently received the Joan Innovation Award 2024. When we met with René Schülein and Carsten Steinecker, we were on a mission to dig deeper into the value of our partnership for innovative technology within modern work environments. What better place to start than at the beginning… A Partnership Forged in Innovation What began as a quest for a wireless solution to improve meeting room management has evolved into a deep, integrated collaboration. “Joan has always been a part of the solution we sell,” Steinecker pointed out, highlighting how seamlessly Joan’s solutions fit into Exertis ProAV’s comprehensive portfolio. “The elegance and simplicity of Joan’s devices were immediately striking,” Steinecker shares, reflecting on the initial encounter with Joan’s products. This simplicity, coupled with the wireless and energy-efficient nature of Joan’s solutions, has enabled Exertis ProAV to meet the dynamic needs of today’s workspaces, from corporate offices to healthcare facilities. Surpassing Expectations of a Workspace Tech Partnership At the recent event, we had the pleasure of meeting with the Exertis ProAV team to present them with the prestigious Joan Innovation Award. The award ceremony was attended by René Schülein, Carsten Steinecker, Sabina Lauth, and Mike Hommel who graciously accepted the award on behalf of their organization. There are many reasons why Exertis ProAV received the Joan Innovation Award 2024, but three of them really stood out. We’re highlighting them below. Empowering Change, One Reseller at a Time By joining forces with Joan, Exertis ProAV has included Joan’s platform in their portfolio and championed a movement towards more efficient, intuitive, and user-friendly work environments. Their dedication has empowered resellers throughout the DACH region, equipping them with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to bring the Joan platform to a wider audience. Bridging Technology and Partners The root of Exertis ProAV’s success lies in their ability to nurture a strong relationship between Joan platform and the reseller community. Through extensive support, training, and access to resources, they have ensured that resellers are not just box movers but informed advocates of the Joan platform. A Visionary Approach to the Workplace What sets Exertis ProAV apart is their remarkable knack for curating an innovative portfolio that resonates with the needs of today’s businesses – “We see that offices become more and more similar to real-life communication platforms and people working hybrid”. They recognize that the modern workplace is not just about the tools we use, but how these tools come together to create environments that inspire, facilitate, and enhance productivity. Shaping the Future Workspace In awarding Exertis ProAV Germany the Joan Innovation Award 2024, we recognize their exceptional contribution to redefining the future of work and understanding the long-lasting impact of Joan solutions. We can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store for our partnership! For information on how Joan can enhance your workspace, contact our workplace experts.