Far Cry’s Biggest Flaw Is Its Lack of Innovation | CBR

Few video game franchises can survive through multiple console generations and remain a dominating force in the industry. Although it is rarely viewed as one of the greatest franchises in the gaming, Far Cry‘s illustrious career speaks for itself. It has been embedding players in beautiful open worlds with some of the most sinister antagonists gamers have ever seen.

However, the franchise seems to be at a standstill when it comes to innovative ideas. With very few differences between the eight sequels, spin-offs and DLC packs launching since Far Cry 3, many gamers are ready for Ubisoft to take the series in a fresh and exciting direction.

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Zack Millsap
(278 Articles Published)

Zack Millsap is an entertainment writer based out of Dallas, Texas. He graduated from Texas State University with a Degree in English in 2017. Zack is also an avid retro video game and movie collector. When Zack isn’t writing, you can find him either boxing, gaming, or attending concerts.

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Zack Millsap is an entertainment writer based out of Dallas, Texas. He graduated from Texas State University with a Degree in English in 2017. Zack is also an avid retro video game and movie collector. When Zack isn’t writing, you can find him either boxing, gaming, or attending concerts.