Featured Service: Legal Innovation as a Service – Assessment | DennisKennedy.Blog

Corporate legal departments and law firms have reached the point in the pandemic where they must start to move beyond triage to the first steps to moving forward.

The path from where we are to where we want to go starts with a solid understanding of where we actually are.

And there is no time like the present.

The path from where we are to where we want to go starts with a solid understanding of where we actually are.

For forward-looking legal innovation leaders and top-level executives (especially in corporate law departments) who must evaluate existing and planned innovation projects and portfolios quickly, independently, and economically, I am offering LIaaS assessment services so that they can confidently make fast and prudent decisions.

I’m now featuring two of my LIaaS (Legal Innovation as a Service) offerings targeting at the assessment phase:

A. Reality Check – Review current or proposed innovation project portfolio and assess whether what you are doing makes sense in the real world (US$7,500)

B. Second Set of Eyes – Thorough review of your current or proposed innovation project portfolio that digs deeper into projects with a more detailed analysis (US$15,000)

More details here or call me at 734-926-5197.

[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]

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