Federal Health IT (FHIT) Innovation Event & Awards

Most Popular in the Last… Federal Health IT (FHIT) Innovation Event & Awards This event will be unlike any typical Federal government event. Held at 1776 DC, the premier startup incubator in DC, the first part of this event include a panel featuring three of the real leaders driving innovation across the Federal Health Space, with perspective from Military Health and VA to HHS. The second part of the evening will celebrate many of the most innovative programs and initiatives happening across the Federal Health IT (FHIT) space today as the FHIT Innovation awards are handed out. Winners will be selected by an evaluation panel that includes government, industry and the startup community. We are excited to let you know that this event will include two parts. The first is a panel style presentation that will include some of the leading innovators from across government, including: Gregory Downing, D.O., Ph.D., HHS Executive Director for Innovation: In this role he promotes innovation and entrepreneurship activities across the workforce through the HHS IDEA Lab. In addition, he supports open government activities through uses of technology and data to promote improvement in health and health care. Prior to his move to HHS in 2005, Dr. Downing served at the National Institutes of Health laboratory research, science policy, and program management roles since 1993. Emily Tavoulareas, Founding Member, Veterans Affairs Digital Service: Ms. Tavoullareas was selected as one of the founding members of this new group in January of 2015, after having served as a Digital Advisor at VA since 2013. In that role, she led strategic engagement for the VA Center for Innovation (VACI) with the aim of creating a positive culture change and expanding/embedding key priorities across the VA. Key priorities: Human-Centered Design, data-innovation, and service-delivery. Steve Steffensen, MD Acting Chief of Innovation at Military Health System: Dr. Steffensen is a board certified Neurologist and former active duty Navy officer who is recognized as a national leader in health innovation. He is currently serving as the Acting Chief of Innovation for the Military Health System having recently served as a personal adviser to The Army Surgeon General. His past experience includes management of the largest health IT research and development program within the Department of Defense focused on electronic health record, mobile health, and medical device technologies. He also served as a founding board member of the Johns Hopkins University Military and Veterans Health Institute where he represented Johns Hopkins on the Obama Administration “Joining Forces” initiative. (Confirmed) The second, and equally fun part of the evening, is the announcement of the: 2015 Federal Health IT(FHIT) Innovation Awards A panel of judges that included government and industry leaders evaluated and chose the finalists from dozens of award applications. With a primary focus on results achieved, the list of finalists is included below. Winners will be announced on March 4th. The panel and the awards ceremony will be hosted and emceed by John Gilroy, the well known creator of Federal TechTalk, airing weekly on WFED 1500 AM. Finalists for Mobile Application Category Agency: Veterans Affairs Project/Program: IntelaCare TBI/PTSD Agency: CDC National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Project/Program: Ladder Safety Mobile Application Agency: Veterans Affairs Project/Program: VA Pressure Ulcer Resource (VAPUR) Mobile Application Finalists for Interoperability Category Agency: National Institutes of Health Project/Program: Biomedical Research Informatics Computing System Agency: Defense Health Agency Project/Program: Theater Medical Data Store (TMDS) – Ebola Response Agency: Navy Medicine Project/Program : NHJAX Clinical Portal (CP) and Stich-in-Time Finalists for Big Data Category Agency: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Project/Program: Advanced Provider Screening (APS) Project Agency: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Project/Program: My Own Network, Powered by AHRQ (MONAHRQ) Agency: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Project/Program: Qualified Entity Medicare Data Sharing Program Finalists for Digital Strategy/Open Data Category Agency: Health and Human Services Project/Program: HHS Content Syndication – Digital Media Storefront Agency: Food & Drug Administration Project/Program: OpenFDA – Open-source APIs Agency: National Institutes of Health Project/Program: NLM Application Programming Interfaces (API) Finalists for Federal Innovation Program Category Agency: U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Project/Program: Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center Mobile Health innovation Center (TATRC mHIC) Agency: Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Program: CMS Alliance to Modernize Healthcare (a FFRDC) Agency: Veterans Affairs Connected Health Office Project/Program: VA Mobile Health Where: 1776 DC – The Penthouse 1133 15TH ST. NW, Washington, DC 20005 (4 block walk from McPherson Square Metro – plenty of parking options) When: Wednesday, March 4, 2015 6:00 – 6:30 PM – Registration and Networking 6:30 – 8:15 PM – Main Event & Awards 8:15 – 8:45 PM – Post Event Networking Questions? – please contact [email protected] Tags: Advanced Provider Screening (APS) Project Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Biomedical Research Informatics Computing System CDC National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) CMS Alliance to Modernize Healthcare (a FFRDC) Defense Health Agency (DIA) Digital Media Storefront Ebola Response Electronic Health Record (EHR) Emily Tavoulareas Federal Health IT (FHIT) FHIT Innovation awards Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Gregory Downing Health and Human Services (HHS) health innovation health IT (HIT) HHS Content Syndication HHS IDEA Lab Human-Centered Design IntelaCare TBI/PTSD John Gilroy Ladder Safety Mobile Application medical device technologies Military Health System (MHS) mobile health Mobile Health innovation Center (mHIC) My Own Network AHRQ (MONAHRQ) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Navy Medicine NHJAX Clinical Portal (CP) NLM Application Programming Interfaces (API) Open-source APIs openFDA Qualified Entity Medicare Data Sharing Program Steve Steffensen Stich-in-Time Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) Theater Medical Data Store (TMDS) US Department of Defense (DoD) US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) VA Center for Innovation (VACI) VA Mobile Health VA Pressure Ulcer Resource (VAPUR) Mobile Application Veterans Affairs Connected Health Office Advanced Provider Screening (APS) Project Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Biomedical Research Informatics Computing System CDC National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) CMS Alliance to Modernize Healthcare (a FFRDC) Defense Health Agency (DIA) Digital Media Storefront Ebola Response Electronic Health Record (EHR) Emily Tavoulareas Federal Health IT (FHIT) FHIT Innovation awards Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Gregory Downing Health and Human Services (HHS) health innovation health IT (HIT) HHS Content Syndication HHS IDEA Lab Human-Centered Design IntelaCare TBI/PTSD John Gilroy Ladder Safety Mobile Application medical device technologies Military Health System (MHS) mobile health Mobile Health innovation Center (mHIC) My Own Network AHRQ (MONAHRQ) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Navy Medicine NHJAX Clinical Portal (CP) NLM Application Programming Interfaces (API) Open-source APIs openFDA Qualified Entity Medicare Data Sharing Program Steve Steffensen Stich-in-Time Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) Theater Medical Data Store (TMDS) US Department of Defense (DoD) US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) VA Center for Innovation (VACI) VA Mobile Health VA Pressure Ulcer Resource (VAPUR) Mobile Application Veterans Affairs Connected Health Office Login to post comments