Finding #foodfreedom: Innovation and Technology Changes Lives

Finding #foodfreedom: girl eating pizza

We recently received an email from Lee Francis, a community member in the United Kingdom, about an article he wrote about Nima. He gave us permission to repost his article / personal testimonial here on our blog. Continue scrolling to read his story!

Transformation comes alive with user stories, and here’s mine…

My eldest, Eleanor was biopsy diagnosed as coeliac 3 years ago…. a huge relief to us, a huge blow for her. Symptoms, lethargy, pale skin, bags under eyes, restricted growth and she just looked “ill” – our thoughts included potential causes beginning with the dreaded “C” – hence our relief…

So that’s always at the back of our minds when we deal with the lifelong challenges the bodies antibodies present when dealing with gluten, which seems to be in everything, or has opportunity to come into contact with gluten!

For her, she’s singled out at parties, has to take her own food, careful of spilt food on the table – every kids worst nightmare, to be different.

We also acknowledge that in terms of food intolerances, coeliac is containable and not immediately life threatening, she has friends with severe nut allergies, so we are grateful it’s not worse, but from a 10 year olds perspective, they just don’t see it that way!

So, I heard about and was over the moon – they haven’t started worldwide shipping yet, and my campaigning and stalking of the founder Shireen Yates and marketing dept wasn’t having the desired early adopter effect! I found a US company, you order and have it shipped to them as a P.O. box, they onward ship to you….

It arrived Monday, we did a couple of tests in the house, dead simple, place a pea sized bit of the food in the one-time use capsule, twist the lid shut, an enzyme is released into the sealed capsule before you place in the triangular tester. The device turns into a centrifuge spinning the innards of the capsule at a high velocity (you can hear it like a mini turbine!) and you either get a Wheat sign – Gluten Found or a smiley face, Gluten-free.

We went to a local restaurant last night, unusually they have separate fryers for their chips – most places put the chips in with other food, such as breaded cod and there is cross contamination….

First proper test…. bit of chip in…. whir, whir, whir – Gluten Found…. crest fallen, completely gutted – was so hoping for Gluten-free…. I went and found the manager who brought the kitchen manager over. I showed them the device, they were fascinated, and I offered to take them through the testing routine as I tested Eleanor’s gluten-free pizza….

Thank goodness that came back with the smiley face or we would have had to head home. I’ve offered to ship in a fresh box of testers, 12 @ $72 dollar plus the additional shipping and handling fees by the P.O. box intermediary and test their entire gluten-free range, and we’ll try to work out where the contamination of the chips is coming from…

I’m going to offer it out to other places in my local area, I’m happy to donate my time to improve awareness of gluten contamination and ultimately, develop a greater range of places I can confidently take Eleanor and not have her feel singled out…

Thank you Nima – life changing innovation and technology!

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We always love hearing from our community about how the Nima Sensor lets you live your best life. Share your story with the hashtag #foodfreedom if you want to be featured in our series!