Four Virtual Legal Innovation Events Worth Attending This Month | LawSites
April brings an embarrassment of riches when it comes to virtual conferences focused on innovation in law.
The only problem is that three of them overlap, which may cause you to channel that old Firesign Theatre bit, “How can you be two places at once …”
Here’s the line-up:
April 27-28: Everlaw Summit: Illuminate 2021
The past year forced many in the legal industry to rethink how they have and should conduct legal work moving forward. In recognition of this, Everlaw is presenting Everlaw Summit: Illuminate 2021, a free, two-day virtual summit on industry trends and insights.
The summit features more than 20 legal industry leaders as speakers, covering trends in legal technology and e-discovery, including Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, who will present the keynote address on April 27.
Registration is free. If you are not able to attend the live event, those who register will have access to the recorded talks afterwards.
Presented by the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism, this conference brings together lawyers, judges, legal academics, and other professionals from around the globe to discuss the critical issues facing the legal industry.
Over three days, the conference will examine the future of lawyering, the future of attorney well-being, and the future of diversity, equity and inclusion in the legal profession.
Registration is $25 for any single day or $50 for all three days. Law students can register free.
This is the first in what will be monthly series called Leaders of Legal, in which roundtables of chief legal officers will discuss top priorities and emerging trends, all presented by the company In-House Focus.
This inaugural two-hour session will kick off with a roundtable of CLOs from Google, Square and Agilent on how CLOs develop the leadership and executive skills they need, followed by an interview with the CLO of Uber, Tony West, on the CLO as a crisis leader. It wraps up with two concurrent sessions on scaling a legal department and change management.
Registration is $45 for in-house lawyers and $175 for others.
April 27-28: The Uncertain Decade Summit
Legal Geek is presenting this 24-hour summit of programs and networking spanning three time zones (London, New York and Sydney).
It will feature two thought leadership talks from Richard Susskind and Mark Cohen, as well as interactive workshops presented by Clifford Chance, Thomson Reuters, DWF, ContractPodAI, Ironclad, StructureFlow, Salesforce, Introhive and Brightflag.
Access to the live event is free. For access to the live event plus on-demand recordings, the cost is £48.
[Disclosure: Everlaw is a paid advertiser on LawSites and LawNext.]