Free Higher Education Can Foster Global Innovation

Higher education professionals disagree on whether or not higher education should be free. Some consider education to be a privilege, while others consider it to be a basic human right. However, in this post, we will discuss how the availability of free higher education can spur global innovation and variety. Although free higher education can attract students from other nations, it is not always the best condition. Indeed, “more than 40 nations offer free or almost free post-secondary education to domestic learners,” according to the International Higher Education Finance.

Is it true that higher education is free?

Is free higher education, however, truly “free?” To elaborate, one method of delivering “free” higher education is to raise greater taxes on citizens in a certain country, such as the United States, to balance tuition costs. There’s also the concept of a “third party payment system,” in which someone else pays for the “free education.” According to Forbes, “third-party payments can reduce academic quality.” Learners who obtain free higher education may be less accountable to the university they attend. However, there is a need for free education, and there are certain advantages to doing so.

Many countries, including Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, and Mexico, provide free education to their populations. They provide free education to their population, which can contribute to global variety. The rationale for this is that different countries may be prepared to accept overseas learners with varying degrees, which contributes to a country’s diversity. In Iceland, for example, public universities are free, and learner loans are available for housing and school supplies. However, just 5% of overseas students study in Iceland, indicating that the majority of citizens attend their universities.

How Germany is setting the standard?

Germany is a leading country that provides free education to students, not only German students but also international students. This is why. One reason Germany provides free education to all students is that it has a high population of people aged 60 and up. This allows younger individuals to visit Germany, and according to Inside Higher Ed News, around half of international students who attend college in Germany intend to stay and work there.

As a result, their economy and diversity benefit. This contributes to global creativity and variety. Germany serves as a model for other countries seeking to be more progressive in their educational systems. Mexico, which has roughly 7,600 international students, is another country with a large number of international students; nevertheless, education is not free in Mexico.

Finally, consider the following:

These instances demonstrate how countries, such as the United States, can build even more advantageous partnerships with other countries by providing free, or almost free, education. Allowing international learners into different countries involves considerable global innovation, such as having a diversified learner population and, perhaps, a stronger economy. There is still room for development, but it is an excellent starting point.

The post Free Higher Education Can Foster Global Innovation appeared first on The Tech Edvocate.