Govt initiates consultation process for new science, technology and innovation policy –

The federal government has initiated a consultation procedure for solution of a new national Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP 2020), a declaration said.The Office of the Principal Scientific Consultant to the Federal Government of India( Office of PSA)and the Department of Science and Innovation (DST)have collectively started a decentralised, bottom-up and inclusive process for the formulation of the brand-new policy, it said.The 5th S&T policy of the country is

being created at a crucial point when India and the world are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.” As the crisis alters the world, the brand-new policy

with its decentralised manner of development will reorient STI in terms of priorities, sectoral focus, the way research study is done, and innovations are developed and deployed for larger socio-economic well-being,”the statement provided on Tuesday said.The formula process for STIP 2020 is organised into 4 highly interlinked tracks, according

to the statement.Track I involves a comprehensive public and specialist consultation process through Science Policy Online forum- a dedicated platform for obtaining

inputs from larger public and professional swimming pool during and after the policy preparing process.Track II makes up experts-driven thematic assessments to feed evidence-informed suggestions into the policy preparing procedure. Twenty-one focused thematic groups have actually been made up for the purpose.Track III involves assessments with ministries and states, while track IV makes up pinnacle level multi-stakeholder consultation.For track III, nodal officers are being chosen in states and in ministries, departments and firms of the Government of India for substantial intra-state and intra-department consultation.For track IV, assessment with industry bodies, global partners and inter-ministerial and inter-state consultations represented at the greatest levels are being carried out.The consultation processes on various tracks have actually currently begun and are running in parallel.The track-II thematic group(

TG) consultation began with a series of details sessions last week.During the info sessions, Akhilesh Gupta, the head of Policy Coordination and Programme

Keeping Track Of Division of DST, made the presentations and steered the discussions.The sessions were gone to by around 130 members of the

21 thematic groups in addition to 25 policy research fellows and scientists of DST and the Office of PSA.

“The STI policy for the new India will likewise incorporate the lessons of COVID-19, including structure of an’ atmanirbhar bharat’through ST&I(Science and Innovation and Innovation) by leveraging

our strengths in R&D, style, S&T labor force and institutions, substantial markets, group dividend, diversity and information,”stated Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary, DST.The six-month process includes broad-based consultations with all stakeholders within and beyond the clinical environment of the nation, including academic community, industry, federal government, international partners, young researchers and technologists, civic bodies and the public. reckoner_bx background-color: #F 0F0F0; padding: 20px; font style: 400 16px. reckoner_bx. rek_title 25px’ Fira Sans’, arial; color: # 0155A0; margin-bottom: 7px; text-transform: uppercase;. reckoner_bx. btn_reck 19px’