Guangzhou Nansha Innovation Port Project, China

Guangzhou Nansha Innovation Port Project, China

Nansha Innovation Port Project, China, Guangzhou Province, China, Chinese Commercial Architecture, Images

Guangzhou Nansha Innovation Port Project in China

25 July 2023

Architect: Aedas

Location: Guangzhou Province, China

Nansha Innovation Port Project, China

Led by Aedas Executive Director Kelvin Hu, the team was in joint venture with Architectural Design and Research Institute of Guangdong (GDAD) to deliver a vibrant work-life Innovation Port project.

The Guangzhou Nansha Innovation Port Project is located in Qingsheng, Nansha district of Guangzhou, the project is surrounded by rich natural resources and overlooks the rivers and green axis. As the existing roads divide the plots into two, the design strategically integrates similar functions into one plot, creating a dynamic mixed-use hub for the city. It consists of residential apartments, Grade-A office, retail and art-cultural centre, connected by sky corridors to create a people-centric urban oasis.

The office and residential towers are diagonally placed, creating a unique skyline together with the low-rise retail podium. The simple architectural form adopted slight variation in linear patterns, which signifies the fluid movements of rivers and waterfalls along the valleys. It creates a façade that offers ever-changing perspectives from different angles and sunlight.

The cultural art centre at the corner in a cube architectural form will become an urban icon, resonating with the surrounding river and landscape through the reflection from silver glass and aluminum panels. White glass curtain walls are used for the entrance, which creates a strong contrast with the main façade. The design creates a porous urban oasis, offering an open streetscape filled with greenery and sky viewing deck.

Kelvin shares, ‘Taking the geographical advantage, the design is seamlessly embraced by the landscape to create a new gateway destination in Nansha district.’

Nansha Innovation Port Project in Guangzhou, China – Building Information

Architects: Aedas –

Project: Guangzhou Nansha Innovation Port Project
Location: Guangzhou, China
Client: Guangzhou Nantou Real Estate Development Co., Ltd
Design and Project Architect: Aedas in Joint Venture with Architectural Design and Research Institute of Guangdong Province (GDAD)
Gross Floor Area: 74,248 sqm
Design Directors: Kelvin Hu, Executive Director

About Aedas
Aedas is the world’s only local and global architecture and design practice driven by global sharing of research, local knowledge and international practice. Our 1,100 creative minds with design studios across the globe create world-class design solutions with deep social and cultural understanding of the communities we design for. We create world-class design solutions that are tailored to the needs of cities and communities around the world.

Guangzhou Nansha Innovation Port Project, China images / information received 250723 from v2com newswire

Location: Guanggang New Town, Guangzhou Province, China

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