Here’s how EarlyBirds can drive authentic innovation across organisations

EarlyBirds believes that organisations today are witnessing continued disruptionTheir existing strategy and organisational structures are not responsive enough to gain access to and mobilise the innovative talent and technology required to address different challenges.

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EarlyBirds, which is an Australia-based open innovation ecosystem, can help businesses transition from mere innovation theatre to authentic innovation.

If you are an early adopter organization and you understand the value of innovation, you can work with EarlyBirds to seize opportunities and solve challenges using actionable innovation from innovators, who are start-ups, scaleups or mature organisations.

If you are an innovator, we can help you engage with early adopter customers and their partners to adopt your products and solutions. Thus, the EarlyBirds open innovation system is beneficial for both organisations wanting to adopt technological innovations to improve their products or services, and also those start-ups, scaleups and mature companies offering innovative products and solutions.”

What is an innovation theatre?

When an initiative taken by a company makes use of innovation but does not really have any impact on the business, it ends up being caught up in innovation theatre. Generally, this is due to the lack of focus that can drive the innovation team in a wrong direction.

Source: © Peshkova |

This is usually more evident in organisations that try to take shortcuts to innovation with occasional initiatives. Although any organisation does not deliberately end up engaging in an innovation theatre, still many organisations find themselves embroiled in it without realising.

What lands an organisation in innovation theatre?

According to EarlyBirds, a competitive ecosystem stimulates companies and government agencies to have new forms of organisation. Such organisations are quick in responding to the continuous disruptions.

In this regard, a common initial step that organisations resort to is to onboard management consultants who reorganise the company into a matrix organisation where teams report to several leaders.

EarlyBirds believes that this generally results in an organisational theatre where organisation members are caught up with the reorganisation for a year, delivering no real innovation impacting their product or service.

Source: © Vichie81 |

Besides this, innovation activities, such as innovation workshops, hackathons, design thinking classes, etc., also result in just innovation theatre for organisations. Also, organisations may focus on the processes and metrics and try to make some reforms, but they most often result in zero impact on the ground.

EarlyBirds as a suitable partner for organisations

EarlyBirds believes that authentic innovation can deliver value by enhancing the existing business or developing fresh revenue sources and profits. To achieve this, leaders are bound to offer clear guidance on strategy and identify innovation projects to focus on.

EarlyBirds remains confident that it can become a suitable partner for organisations to avoid innovation theatre. EarlyBirds’ open innovation system can help organisations achieve actionable innovation by bringing organisations together with SMEs and innovators.

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This open innovation ecosystem comprises two major parts:

The Explorer program is developed to fast-track the technological innovation process for the overall organisation as a service. On the other hand, the Challenger program is for businesses that prefer to work on a particular challenge at a time.

Source: © Wrightstudio |

In addition, EarlyBirds also provides the Edzility framework that can help businesses finetune their strategy continuously with the aim of developing improved organisational agility and competitive edge.

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