How Adobe is driving print technology innovation

Mike Scrutton, director of print technology and strategy at Adobe, joins Louella to discuss Adobe’s print technology innovations and how Adobe PDF – which is now officially an ISO Standard – has been key to its driverless printing model. In this fascinating and wide-ranging episode, Mike explains Adobe’s mission to make publishing accessible to all, and how security plays an important part in today’s hybrid, on-demand world. Mike and Louella also discuss the potential of AI to empower creativity and the importance of transparency, touching on how Adobe has incorporated AI into its tools, including its generative AI engine, Firefly. Quocirca Podcast Disclaimer The information contained in this Podcast was obtained from industry executives via interviews and has not been independently verified by us. It may not be accurate or current, and we have no obligation to provide any updates or changes to any information provided. The listener may not edit, modify, copy, reproduce or redistribute this Podcast in whole or in part. We are not liable for any use of this Podcast by the listener which is not in accordance with the terms of this disclaimer. The views and opinions expressed in this Podcast are not necessarily those of Quocirca. Any opinions given by industry executives interviewed by us are strictly those of the individual. We are not providing any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax or other professional advice or recommendations in this Podcast. In addition, the information contained in this Podcast does not constitute investment advice and should not be relied upon by the listener. The receipt of this Podcast by any listener is not to be taken to constitute such person a client of Quocirca. We do not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the statements or any information contained in this Podcast and any liability therefore (including in respect of direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage) is expressly disclaimed. Stay ahead with industry insights Receive Quocirca’s latest articles and research updates You have Successfully Subscribed! In the spotlight with Quocirca In conversation with industry leaders Find out more Contact Get in touch with Quocirca to find out more. [email protected] Print 2025 A global market insight study Visit Print 2025 Services Expert and actionable insight to inform business innovation and strategy.