How IT investments interact with other resources to improve innovation?

Luis Antonio Orozco is a Full Professor at the School of Management Universidad Externado de Colombia and a Senior Researcher at the Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation. Orozco’s research interests include governance and management of science, technology, and innovation, institutional and networks analysis on technological transformation, history and forecasting, and the relationships between higher education, government, and industry. Member at editorial advisory board of the Journal of Management History, member at the scientific committee at the International Society for Scientometrics and Infometrics and founder of the Red de Gobernanza y Gestión de la Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación – Red GCTI.

John Alirio Sanabria Téllez is a Doctoral student in Administration at Universidad Externado de Colombia, Master in Industrial Engineering from Universidad de los Andes and Business Administrator from Uniminuto. John is Professor at Universidad Externado de Colombia, Visiting Scholar Research at Innova Institute de La Salle Barcelona – URL, and business consultant in business processes, strategy and consolidation of Business Development Centers. Sanabriás Research interest include management, strategy, entrepreneurship and business networks.

Juan Sosa is currently Assistant Professor in the Statistics Department at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia with a B. A. and a M. Sc. degree in Statistics, and also, from the University of California, Santa Cruz with a Ph. D. in Statistics and Applied Mathematics. His main research interests include Bayesian statistical modeling, statistical learning, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, statistical analysis of networks, record linkage methods, scalable methods for high-dimensional inference.

Jeimy Aristizabal is a statistician from the National University of Colombia (2010), Magister of Science – Statistics from the same university (2012), and candidate for a Doctorate in Administration from the Externado University of Colombia. She has been a statistics teacher at various universities, and she has worked in the Vice Ministry of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education in Colombia. Currently, she is a deputy director of statistics in the Colombian Institute for the Assessment of Education- ICFES. Her research interests include analysis of quality and efficiency in higher education and data analysis. Her research has been published at Spatial Statistics.

Liliana Lopez-Jimenez, PhD., is Professor at the School of Management, Universidad Externado de Colombia. Her research interests lie at the intersection between information technology and organizations. Her work has been presented in international conferences such as ICIS, EGOS, and AMCIS, and has also been included in regional and local academic publications.