How Smart Wearables drive Growth & Innovation in Business | KritiKal Solutions

We are living in an age where technical innovation drives our daily lives. Smart wearables like smartwatches, AR glasses, and health trackers have now become an indispensable part of our life. These sensor-based, low-power devices use Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi, and in some cases NFC to communicate with nearby devices.

Did you Know?

Bluetooth Low Energy aka BLE was introduced as a part of Bluetooth 4.0 to address the specific needs of wearable devices.

The futuristic appeal of wearable devices makes it a most demanded technology for enterprises that seek to improve and revolutionize workforce automation. Many leading companies have said that Wearable technology is instrumental to their business success.

Big brands including Google & Instagram have already started using the smart wearables to overcome the challenges related to policy, employees, assets, and customers.

Key Industries leveraging Wearable Technology

Health & Wellness Industry: In this sector, health trackers are being used to constantly observe and collect the wearer’s data like heart rate, body temperature, and other vital signs to provide them better treatments. Many consumers have already accepted such devices as a great way to keep track of their health status and alert doctors in case of any deviations. 

Manufacturing Industry: With the rise in Internet of Things (IoT) and connected machinery, manufacturing professionals are now procuring wearable devices like AR glasses and wristbands to impart unique and effective training to their workers.

Retail Industry: Wearables are being used to analyze customers’ behavior & shopping patterns inside the store. It helps retailers and marketers to better serve customers by providing them with a personalized shopping experience.

Automobile Industry: Big automotive companies are now moving towards connected car solutions equipped with safety sensors, onboard diagnostics, Wi-Fi & Bluetooth connectivity that enable users to stay connected to the outside world.

Tour & Travel Industry: Many travel companies have already adopted this new interface by developing travel apps for wearables devices to provide a seamless travel experience to exploring travelers.

How Companies can Benefit from Smart Wearable Technology

Now that we know how smart wearables have affected key industries, let’s understand the benefits of adapting to this technology for business growth.

Benefit #1 Improves Employee Productivity

Wearable tech helps employees to keep track of their business even when they are not at their workstations. For example, with a smartwatch, one can keep an eye on upcoming meetings and important business events.

In manufacturing plants, smart glasses allow technicians to inspect the machinery for any defect by automatically highlighting the problematic part. For example, glasses with thermal imaging capability can detect if a part of the machine is overheating and needs replacement.

Benefit #2 Creating New Business Opportunities

In addition to making business more efficient, wearables like AR-based smart glasses and smart bands help in collecting enhanced user data to understand the consumer’s buying habits and locations. This will help retailers to connect the dots between pre-store and in-store behavior to give customers a more personalized user experience.

Not just retailers, mobile app developers will also benefit from this technology. Increased demand for smart gadgets means companies will develop more applications for these portable smart devices.

With each passing year, smartwatches are getting close to becoming an alternative for smartphones. We can use apps using voice commands without touching our phones. The need to stay connected at all times is an opportunity for many companies to create new services and technologies in this field.

Benefit #3 Health and Safety

Wearable technology also drives health and safety in the workplace by mitigating accidents.

Workplaces like warehouses, construction sites, and factories have a greater probability of accidents due to human error or machinery failures. Smart wearables like health trackers, clothes with sensors can help in reducing accidents by assisting the workers in the following ways:

Benefit #4 Improved Communication

Wearable devices have changed the way we communicate with each other and how we interact with gadgets around us.

Smartwatches enable us to send and receive push notifications to keep us informed about important updates. Most wearable devices use bluetooth to communicate, which means we can sync up with any bluetooth enabled device to instantly share information with other employees without any hassle.

Summing Up

Clearly, the competitive advantages of Wearable Technologies make them an interesting choice for business owners to increase employee productivity and improve Customer Experience. Just like every other technology, wearables also have to go through growing pains as businesses figure out how best to use them. 

With that said, the earlier that business owners start strategizing their business around this technology, the better their chances of staying ahead of the competition. Considering the massive potential and future of wearable tech, it will definitely lead businesses and companies to growth, expansion, and profitability.

About kritiKal Solutions

KritiKal solutions is a Product Engineering firm with expertise in Designing & Developing Firmware and Hardware for Smart wearables. For more than 18 years, we have assisted our clients across the globe in bridging the gap between the cyber and the physical world for business growth.

For more information about wearable app development, please contact us or drop a mail at [email protected]