How to do model innovation for kids? Important ways to encourage model innovation – The Real School

Young minds are said to be the sharpest, as they grasp and process things quickly. With time, the traditional systems of education are being replaced with more practical and modernised ways of learning, and young minds are being trained more with machines than books. Innovations excite today’s children to learn more. The thought of doing something extraordinary is implanted in their minds from a very young age. That’s the reason why children these days enjoy learning with practical examples. While doing so, they get to explore some of the most innovative projects for kids using model innovation and get hold of new things to know. Mentioned below are some of the tips parents can keep in mind to understand how they can help their kids gain holistic growth by encouraging the practice of model innovation.
Model innovation is where a detailed framework is followed to identify, advance and bring innovative ideas into action. Model innovation is the implementation of innovative ideas into real-life simple model projects.

Ways to Encourage Model Innovation among Kids

1. Encourage Your Kids to Inquire About Model Innovation Projects  –

Inquiring about new model innovative projects will help your kids to become inquisitive. Encourage your kids to ask as many questions as they want. Teach them the art of searching answers through online and offline resources. Ask them to study the whole model in detail and provide better solutions.

2. Encourage Kids to Play More

Let your kids imagine themselves as their favourite character. Let them build their Lego houses, or maybe act as Hot Wheels racers. When kids play, they build important motor abilities which ultimately makes their minds grow and think clearly. They feel a sense of positivity and creativity when they play. Let your kids play outside more, instead of engaging them inside with phones.

3. Adopt a Mentality of Growth

Motivate your kids to explore new opportunities and help them find their dreams. Make your kids think creatively and freely to any extent they want. Explain to them the process of growth. Innovations will begin when they are free to explore new opportunities and to think differently.
Don’t overburden them with the pressure of constant learning, but explain to them the way of happy learning. Impede the mentality of growth in your kids by making them believe in their abilities, characteristics, potential, talents, and grit.

Some Model Innovation Projects for Kids

Mentioned below are some of the best and most innovative projects for kids that will help parents and teachers answer the question – How to do model innovation for kids?

Making a Kaleidoscope

A Kaleidoscope is one of the most popular innovation models among kids. It is a fun toy that creates beautiful images when we look inside. Add mirrors to build extra reflections. This will amplify the beauty of the amazing images created. Check if the number of reflections increases when you add extra mirrors. 

Fruit Battery

This project model is where kids can construct electrical batteries in their favourite citrus fruits and produce an electric current. This will help the natural fruit to generate electricity as a natural source. This experiment or project model will create a common conducting solution, where two dissimilar metals are placed. 

The brief procedure of this model starts firstly by preparing the fruits. Then, stick a Zinc nail along with the Copper nail on the opposite end of the fruit. Use the alligator clips, where you have to connect two LED leads to copper nail and the other leads to the metal nail. The LED will light up your place!

Cup Anemometer

Anemometer is a project model that helps to measure wind speed. This model project is where a basic anemometer can be made using multiple cups. In the cup anemometer, the wind hits the cups and causes it to spin.

The Procedure to Make a Cup Anemometer Requires

In Conclusion

Taking up various model projects brings in creativity and innovation among kids. Kids are always eager to learn new things. The innovative model projects help kids to understand processes and the basic concepts behind them. Parents and teachers have a big role to play in encouraging their kids towards this path of holistic growth.

Stay tuned with Real School and our regular blogs where we give best tips for parents to train their kids effectively for holistic development. Real School classes are the ultimate destination, where kids get to learn unlimited concepts in a fun and innovative way through 60+ Product Design Projects to help with their overall growth.