How Uproar PR’s Catriona Harris brings innovation to her agency

She runs her boutique agency with her husband—an arrangement that works for these two PR entrepreneurs.

What’s it like to work in the PR field with your significant other as a business partner? 

What might not be ideal for other pros works great for Uproar PR’s CEO Catriona Harris who works with her husband, Mark Harris, at the firm they built together.

However, the things that keep her up at night are the problems many entrepreneurs face: innovation, disruption, efficiency and results.

We spoke with her recently for our “Day in the Life” series and she shared how she attacks her workday at the boutique agency she founded:

  1. What time do you typically wake up?

I typically set my alarm for 6:25 a.m., but I’ll also hit the snooze button two times. So, I wake up at around 6:45 a.m.

  1. How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?

I drink two cups of coffee a day. I recently tried cutting back to one but quickly went back to two.

  1. Who is the most important person at work you talk to during your day?

The most important person I speak with during the day is my husband and business partner, Mike Harris. We built Uproar PR together from the ground up, so on a daily basis we’re constantly tossing ideas back and forth.

  1. What’s one tool you couldn’t live without?

The one tool I cannot live without is my cellphone. Between tests from the media and emails from clients and staff, it keeps me up to days and on top of my day.

  1. What’s the last thing you do before finishing your workday?

The last thing I do before finishing my workday is readjust my to-do list. I always keep a printed-out to-do list on my desk that I live by and update it every day before I leave the office.

  1. What keeps you up at night.

Thinking about innovation is what keeps me up at night. I’m constantly thinking about ways Uproar PR can do things differently to drive optimal results for our clients. This could be anything from big ideas to present to clients to internal team changes that will increase positivity and efficiency.

  1. What trend or change is the next big thing in communications and/or your industry?

The next big thing in communications is the changing landscape of media. This is something public relations professionals have been saying for decades, but that’s because it truly does continue to change. One example has been the rise of micro-influencers—influencers with less than 100,000 followers—and that two-thirds of respondents had made a purchasing decision based on a micro-influencer’s post. It’s important that PR professionals stay ahead of trends such as these and adjust their campaigns to reflect these changes.

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