How We Support Innovation | InterTradeIreland
Businesses that are innovating and doing things differently are more likely to expand and grow. Specialist support brings added confidence to this process, making it all the more productive and effective by converting this knowledge into commercial reality and ultimately increased turnover.
InterTradeIreland has a number of support structures in place for business innovation and growth, including the Challenge Programme, which embeds a proven, reliable and repeatable innovation model into the organisation.
Rethinking your products and services can greatly change your commercial path, but innovation and product development requires specialist skills and technology, from within your company and from external supports – resources that can be limited in small companies. InterTradeIreland’s FUSION Programme can provide financial support for the specialist expertise your business needs and can help you access that expertise.
A further opportunity for businesses from Ireland and Northern Ireland is the Horizon 2020 pan European research fund that requires partnership across a minimum of 3 European Nations. InterTradeIreland is the perfect channel to access Horizon 2020 funding and is uniquely positioned to help you find collaborative partners across the island, North and South.
For those wanting to keep up to date with all the latest on ‘Innovation’, the All-Island Innovation Programme, a series of innovation lectures, masterclasses and annual conferences with international speakers can provide you with an overview of the latest developments on innovation practices and theories.
For the innovators out there, we have the expertise and support available to help you unlock commercial success.