How you can lead innovation and career growth with an Executive MBA – U2B

The world of business is rapidly evolving, and business leaders increasingly find themselves dealing with unprecedented challenges.

Corporate entrepreneurship enables teams in an established organisation to innovate and develop and manage a new and separate spin-off business created from an established parent organisation.

The concept of corporate entrepreneurship involves taking calculated risks to internally innovate.

Organisations that implement corporate entrepreneurship are able to create a new business or industry to remain viable in a constantly changing environment.

McKinsey’s research shows that top-performing organisations in various industries divide their capital evenly between transforming their core businesses and developing new ones and there are several ways to lead your organisation to embrace corporate entrepreneurship.

The research also suggests that innovation in an organisation should include every aspect of the business, including products, processes, technology, and administration.

A leader in charge of leading innovation in an organisation can take concrete steps to develop a workplace culture that embraces this concept by creating a more entrepreneurial environment.

Business leaders who are adept at corporate entrepreneurship can navigate through the barriers: From creating, developing, and sustaining innovative new businesses, to implementing new initiatives within the organisation – they are innovative and agile.

Corporate entrepreneurship skills will help business leaders discover the tools and best practices, for identifying and developing entrepreneurial opportunities, building business models, creating strategies for leading innovation, and financing innovation.

It is no surprise that business education has become increasingly attractive to both business and business leaders with big goals and big ideas.

Corporate Entrepreneurship: Leading innovation in an organisation

emlyon business school is a leading business school founded in 1872 by the local business community of Lyon, France.

The business school prides itself in developing a new generation of innovative leaders: the maker.

The maker embodies the quintessential entrepreneur — the business leader who possesses the agility to devise future-proof solutions to meet evolving business demands.

It is the maker who revolutionises technological, scientific, political, and social fields by leading ground-breaking innovation.

With campuses located in Lyon and Paris, MBA students at emlyon business school thrive amid a wide range of landscapes, cultures, and climates — while experiencing the delights of the rich and diverse French culture.

emlyon business school is committed to its partnerships with local and global business communities and boasts of strong affiliations to the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is also among the 1% of global business schools with a Triple-Crown accreditation — having achieved EQUIS, AMBA, and AACSB accreditations for its programmes.

emlyon business school offers executives and managers the opportunity to develop solid business skills through individualised and flexible learning — by combining on-site, distance, and blended learning.

By making action learning central to its teaching methods, emlyon business school offers learners the opportunity to work on their projects and develop concrete solutions for their organisations.

emlyon business school produces MBA graduates prepared to drive businesses forward in a complex, uncertain world and capable of leading successful, principled change anchored in solid values.

Its world-class MBA programme ranked eighth worldwide for career progression in Financial Times, 2019. The programme also develops graduates ready to take on business challenges and lead business transformation as challenges arise.

The programme is ideal for senior managers at a critical point in their career who want to sharpen their skills and step up to become leaders in an organisation.

emlyon business school offers two formats for those wishing to integrate their Executive MBA: part-time over 20-months or fast-track over 10-months.

The fast-track Executive MBA provides a unique opportunity to learn new skills, develop a knowledge of different cultures, and enjoy a career-transforming experience.

emlyon business school’s Executive MBA provides its graduates with the tools and knowledge to update their management practices. It also paves the way for personal growth with dedicated career workshops and coaching sessions.

emlyon business school provides access to an international community of 33 000 alumni — one of the most rewarding and enriching aspects of the Executive MBA.

Professionals enrolled in emlyon business school’s Executive MBA have four specialisations to choose from: Corporate Entrepreneur, Corporate Executive, SME Manager, and Entrepreneurship — in line with the pathway for individual career progression.

emlyon business school‘s Executive MBA features a specialisation in corporate entrepreneurship — a discipline that plays a role in revitalising an organisation to improve its performance.

emlyon business school’s Executive MBA Corporate Entrepreneurship specialisation

emlyon business school’s Executive MBA Corporate Entrepreneurship specialisation is ideal for professionals who aim to seal their expertise in entrepreneurship as it builds their skills in leading projects and managing while supporting innovation within an organisation.

Graduates specialising in corporate entrepreneurship are highly sought after by organisations that are ready to innovate and transform themselves to face current and future challenges.

emlyon business school’s Executive MBAs specialising in corporate entrepreneurship are adept in managing stakeholders and convincing internal and external parties on the importance of their projects.

emlyon business school prepares graduates who fit these profiles to enable them to navigate within organisations by applying agile processes while understanding current business challenges.

Emmanuelle Collin spent the first phase of her career in teaching and subsequently moved into digital marketing before enrolling in emlyon business school’s Executive MBA programme.

Collin chose emlyon business school Executive MBA to focus on developing her skills for a career in innovation and collective intelligence — opting to complete the programme in 10 months.

“I chose a business school to get a global vision of business management and to reinforce my skills in the areas of finance, commerce, and business development”.

Collin added, ” I wanted to give a more business-like tone to my profile, which is sometimes considered too institutional.”

Collin decided to specialise in Corporate Entrepreneurship, a specialisation that would help busines leaders inculcate an entrepreneurial spirit within an organisation.

“I was convinced by the management of innovation, the discovery of new forms of collaborative and more agile work, and the entrepreneurial stance that makes for autonomy, creativity, and faster achievement of objectives,” Collin said.

Through the programme, Collin worked with French incubators — allowing her to witness the diversity of structures and organisations and how they provide responses in a changing and sometimes uncertain world.

“These encounters opened up a range of possibilities for me,” Collin said.

Francois Burnichon, a consultant at AppTek attributes emlyon business school’s Executive MBA to his in-depth understanding of marketing, strategy, management, and finance.

“I lived a transformational experience both personally and professionally. After the completion of the EMBA, I was contacted by a head-hunter to take on general management responsibilities of a business unit,”

Burnichon said, “Mastering a large range of subjects and their interactions would not have been possible without the multidisciplinary approach and state-of-mind developed by my EMBA.”

Burnichon has since successfully created his own company.