Human centered innovation and the world

The world is changing at a rapid pace. It’s hard to believe that 15
years back from now, how just a keypad mobile phone was enough for us, and how
the same keypad phones now, are somewhere dumped in the corner of our lockers.
This change is drastic and prevalent in almost every field, be it education,
business, jobs, technology, everything in the world is evolving and
progressing, and this change is good, for sure.

Business in the current economy have also come a long way as there has
been the incorporation of modern technology in every business structure. Marketing
perhaps has evolved the most as new techniques are being introduced on an
everyday basis. In broader terms, here the focus is more on how marketing
strategies have already changed a lot and how marketers are still finding ways
for a better transformation of their entire business that they are a part of.

From the traditional marketing approach of sales maximization, to the latter modern marketing approaches of profit maximization as well as customer satisfaction, the marketers have tried them all. And now we all are slipping into the world of ‘human centered innovations.’

This is about a move towards a more developed era, where the needs and
the requirements of the human is the topmost priority of the marketers, and
maximum human satisfaction is their reward. A holistic approach which states
not to push the consumers towards the product and instead to direct the
required products to the customer’s place. This approach has significantly made
things easier and convenient for the customers.

What is human centered

  • In the field of marketing, human centered innovations as the name suggests is a customer centric approach where the marketers’ researches about the consumer behavior regarding a product or service and tailors out a new product accordingly.
  • In terms of management, human centered innovations are the means of settling down the problems by developing accurate solutions according to the human’s perception.

A career in Human
centered Innovations:

To deal with the problem-solving process and to create human centered
strategies, the industry needs a relatively substantial number of human
centered innovation experts in the near future.

A career in this department can be a golden opportunity for the one
who is in higher secondary schools or college as human centered innovations
strategies are being implemented gradually in every company.

There are few universities who are offering courses in the field of
‘human centered innovations,’ one can surely think of stealing this chance. The
chance to study something out of the box and to become an expert in that
particular field.

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