Hyperion Research: Call for HPC Innovation Excellence Awards Entries

The HPC Innovation Excellence Awards recognize noteworthy achievements by users of high performance computing (HPC), which includes simulation, AI and other advanced analytics, quantum computing and other methods and technologies. The program’s main goals are to:
- Recognize HPC-enabled innovations in science, engineering, and data analytics, including both public sector advances in science and public or private sector returns on investment (ROI).
- Showcase HPC accomplishments in various environments such as traditional HPC centers, enterprise data centers, and cloud computing platforms as well as quantum computing.
- Help convey the broad benefits of adopting HPC.
- Demonstrate the value of HPC to funding organizations, elected officials, and investors.
- Expand public understanding of and support for HPC.
By HPC, we mean technical computing that includes modeling and simulation, computational analysis, machine/deep learning, artificial intelligence, or quantum computing. HPC is used in supercomputing facilities to support science, engineering, and data analytics; enterprise data centers to support business operations and research; departments and business units of organizations; and in third-party (external) cloud environments.
Winners will receive a trophy (above), monetary award, and recognition via a global press release.
Criteria for the Awards
Hyperion Research and the HPC User Forum Steering Committee welcome award entries from anywhere in the world.
- Achievements are based on the results of applying HPC to scientific, engineering or business problems. The main criterion is the value on the achievement.
- Awards are given for actual achievements, rather than just plans to achieve something in the future.
- Achievements can date back as far as five (5) years.
- Submissions must demonstrate a positive impact on science, medicine, engineering, data science, computer science, business success (revenue growth, cost savings, increased profits or job growth), the HPC community, or society at large.
- Awards may be given to applications that show significant incremental advancements rather than major breakthroughs. For example, improvements over a number of years in HPC modeling of materials and plasma physics have enabled the design of experimental reactors for controlled thermonuclear fusion and the re-examination of approaches which were previously considered unfeasible.
- The achievement cannot be based simply on using newer HPC technologies, such as solving a problem faster with more capable processors/accelerators or lowering data center PUE by installing new cooling technologies. However, a combination of fundamental algorithmic changes and underlying hardware technology that provides a unique enhancement in capability is acceptable (e.g., implementation of weather codes on GPUs to enable 1-2 km global weather modeling).
- Creating innovative technologies or methods is a welcome achievement as long as their value is being proven in the community/broader society.
- Documentation/references/attestations are requested in order to facilitate the evaluation and award process. This could include references from end users.
To Submit an Application:
Please submit via https://www.research.net/r/HPCInnovationAward 4 weeks prior to SC23
- Applications must be submitted by October 10, 2023, to be eligible for SC23 (submissions past the deadline will be kept on file for next year).
- Winners will be announced at SC23 (November 11-17, 2023).
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