IASP global directory of science & technology park & innovation district – IASP

Lakeside Science & Technology Park

Background information

Lakeside Science and Technology Park is a platform for the collaboration between companies and university institutes in the ICT sector. A place for interdisciplinary research and development, education, production and services, it focuses on selected issues in ICT and supplementary and additional technology, as well as education.

Together with the University of Klagenfurt, the Lakeside Labs and companies, Lakeside Park is becoming become a highly specialised location for ICT research and development. By 2030, there should be 2,500 people researching, developing, working, teaching, learning and living at Lakeside Park. It already employs 1300 people at 70 companies and three research institutes and boasts a current occupancy rate of nearly 100%, with a sixth construction phase launched in spring 2019.

Current facilities include a robotics training centre providing further education in the sector, including competence in decision-making for robot technology, application of modern robot systems, safety in human-robot collaboration, information technology in robotics, machine intelligence and programming. It is home to the Educational Lab, a centre for new forms of training and education in STEM fields and entrepreneurship, which addresses the regional shortage of facilities, equipment and training for teaching staff. It has also developed its own specialised IT curriculum for all school aged children, which offers a new form of digital education for the local community: two projects within the initiatve have won the IASP Inspiring Solutions programme. 

The park has already established a dynamic startup scene where new companies, entrepreneurs and startups are provided with the optimal atmosphere for new things as well as offering scope for entrepreneurship, relationships and support. 

  1. Name

    Lakeside Science & Technology Park